A week to remember

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Brittany's cell phone rings. "Hello," she answers. "Hello Mrs. Pierce-Lopez it's Diego, I just picked up your in-laws and Abuela from the airport. I will now be taking them to the hotel and after they check-in, I'll call you to let you know that they will be on their way to you and Mrs. Lopez's".  Brittany replies, "Thank you very much, Diego. Please take good care of them and drive carefully because it's been raining off and on all day"  Diego responds "Yes Mrs. Pierce-Lopez I most certainly will."  Brittany hangs up the phone as she walks to the kitchen where Santana is cooking her parent's favorite meal. The entire apartment is filled with a delicious aroma of the authentic spices in Santana's recipe homemade albondigas soup, refried beans, Mexican rice, and homemade flour and corn tortillas.  Brittany approaches Santana from behind as she is stirring the huge pot of soup.  "Diego just called and he has your parents and Abuela and they are on their way to the hotel and he's gonna call when they leave and on their way here. I hope they arrive soon because the food smells delicious and I"m starving!" Brittany says as she wraps her arms around Santana's waist and kisses her neck.  "Thank you for letting me know. I can't wait to see them. Here babe taste this and see if I need to add any more spices or seasonings to the soup?" Santana says as she gets a spoon from the drawer and dips it into the soup and brings it up and turns to face Britt as she's holding the spoon in her left and her right hand is underneath the spoon and pucker's up her plump lips to slowly blow on the hot food before placing the spoon in Britt's mouth.  Brittany also puckers up her lips and helps blow on the spoon of food and then takes the spoon into her mouth as she closes her eyes and says " Hmm, Babe that tastes so good."  Santana asks " So I don't need to add anything to it, babe?"  Brittany takes a quick drink of water and says ' There is something you need to add?"  Santana replies "And what's that?"  Brittany leans in and says "You need to add my lips to yours!" with a cute smile on her face. Santana smiles back and says " You're terrible."  As she leans in to kiss Britt. "What! Hey, I have to be on my best behavior when your parents and especially your Abuela get here!!" Brittany says.  Santana looks at Britt with one eyebrow raised as she says "Why is that?" Brittany looks at Santana and says "Hun, I don't want to be disrespectful because of your Abuela's beliefs. So I'll be on my best behavior and hands-off while they are here, but, once they leave... watch out!" as a huge smile finds its way on her face.  

Brittany's phone rings. "Hello, Diego" Britt answers.  "Hello, Mrs. Pierce-Lopez I will be bringing your guests in approximately 20 minutes."  Brittany replies " Thank you very much Diego"  Santana interrupts the call "Oh, it Cortez with him?"  Brittany asks "Oh, Diego Santana wants to know if Cortez is with you as well?"  Diego replies "Yes, Cortez is with me, is everything okay?" Britt says to Santana "Babe, yes, Cortez is with Diego."  Santana says "Please let them know that I made enough food!"  Britt said "Diego, Santana said that she made enough food and to let Cortez know also.'  Diego replies,"Thank you Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, I'll pass the message on to Cortez,  however, we are working." Britt replies " Well, please just come up okay?'  Diego answers "Yes Mrs. Pierce-Lopez.

The dining room table is all set and food is neatly arranged as the doorbell rings.  Santana hurries to open the door. "Hi mom, dad, and Abuela," Santana says as they all enter the apartment.  'May I take your coats please?" Brittany asks.  The three all hand Brittany their coats.  "Oh Mija, it smells so good and this place is amazing." Santana's mom Maribel says.  "Hi Daddy," Santana says as she hugs her Dad Miguel Lopez. "How's my little pumpkin doing" Brittany looks at Santana and mouths (Daddy) as she smiles. Santana gives Brittany a little smirk look back. Then Santana gives Abuela a hug and says "Abuela, it's so nice to see you, how are you feeling after the flight?"  Abuela replies "I'm a little tired, but I'm also a little hungry, it smells so good Santana"  Santana addresses all three "Dinner's ready, let's sit down and eat, shall we.' Brittany turns to Santana "What about Diego and Cortez?"  Santana realizes "Oh yeah, that's right. Where are they?"  Mr. Lopez heard the girls talking and interrupted and said "Excuse me, but they gave me a card with a number on it and asked me to call when we were ready to go back to the hotel."  Santana's face kinda dropped and said " We told them that I made enough food!" As Santana was stringing the Albondigas Soup, her father noticed a few bruises on her arm. "Santana, what happened to your arm?" her Dad asks.  Brittany whispers to Santana " You need to tell them"  They all sit down at the table and Santana tells them the story and they all sigh in relief knowing that Cortez was close by.  At that point, Santana's Dad gets his cell phone out of his pocket and calls the number on the card that Diego gave him.  Mr. Lopez insisted that both Diego and Cortez joined them for dinner and that they were waiting for them to arrive to eat the delicious meal that Santana has prepared. 

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