Getting close

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It was Tuesday evening roughly around fiveish when they arrived home.

Santana's phone has been either ringing off the hook or buzzing from text message notifications ever since returning from the Babymoon trip. 

Santana has sent several group text reassuring that she and the baby are doing fine. And that Brittany is trying to do her best at keeping calm. 

The only phone calls that she does receive are those from her parents,  her in-laws, Mr or Mrs. Sanchez, Dr. Wyatt, and Brittany when's she's out of course. 

Now that she's in the last few weeks of her pregnancy, she's now see's her OBGYN on a weekly basis. 

Brittany and Santana just arrived home from the latest OBGYN and everything is all in order. The baby is growing nicely and weighs approximately 5 pounds,  Santana has gained very little pregnancy weight, she maintained a healthy eating habit and drinks nothing but water, gets plenty of exercises, they both go walking after dinner almost every night.  Santana sent out a group text giving the latest updates.  Santana called her parents to give the latest updates while Brittany was on the phone with her parents doing the same.  Then they both called Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez and finally Dr. and Mrs. Wyatt. 

The hospital suitcase is already packed and is located by the front door off to the side as to not get in the way of everyday traffic.  Since the master bedroom is huge, they set up the crib and changing table in the corner on Brittany's side and a small cute bassinet placed by Santana's side. 

Both sets of parents have been working hard in setting up Brittany and Santana's new house in Lima.  The baby's Nursery is all set up and looking adorable.  They all are waiting patiently for when the family of three to move in. 

Walking in and getting situated, locking the doors and fumbling through a big stack of mail.

"Babe, if my phone rings or buzzes one more time I'm gonna go all Lima Heights on it!!!" Santana said frustrated

"I know Hun, my phones been going off the Richter and I had to put it on silent when I was in a meeting with Mr. Sanchez today. But look at it this way. Everyone is just concerned not only for the baby but for you as too. Everyone means well and they just want to make sure you and the baby are fine. So try and look at it in a good way, okay?" Brittany said softly and leaning in to kiss her wife on the cheek."

They just sit on the couch for a moment. Santana sitting slightly on her right side, legs bent in front of her and rubbing her stomach with her left hand, and breathing in and out slowly.  While Brittany is sitting back on the couch next to her wife, legs extended out to the coffee table with one hand on her forehead and her left hand gently rubbing her wife's stomach as well. 

Taking in a deep breath Santana says, " What would you like for dinner Babe?" 

Brittany sitting with her head leaned back on the top of the couch eyes closed taking in a deep breath as well says softly " I really don't know. I mean I'm hungry but for what I couldn't tell ya, all's I know is that I just want a nice cold orange soda to drink!" 

"Remember what the Doctor said to you about your craving for orange soda meant?" Santana asked

"How could I ever forget! I mean it just goes to show you just how much I love you and how much you mean to me." Brittany said turning her head slightly looking at her wife with an adoration look on her face.

'Awe, Babe!" Santana said with tears forming in her eyes as she takes her right hand that she was leaning on to rub Brittany's head

"It's true, I love you so much, you mean the world to me. now you both do. An..." Brittany states as Santana cuts her off by leaning in and kissing her with so much love and passion. After a heated kissing session, the two just lean on each other and relax on the couch.

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