Under the weather

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Daylight savings time has come to an end. November has arrived and the fall colors have still managed to stay amongst the trees rather than crowd the streets of New York.  The air is cooler which makes it perfect for cuddling on the couch or laying next to the fireplace.  Santana had just arrived from a two-day book signing event.  Brittany was anxiously awaiting her wife's arrival at the gate of the airport along with Diego and Cortez each holding a "Welcome Home" banner. Santana was pleasantly surprised. As they arrived home Brittany was asking all about her trip which was jam-packed in just two days.  Four different book signings the first day in Maine and then three in Vermont.  Santana was just glad to be home, she missed her wife so much. Even though they spent every waking minute talking to each other on the phone, it was nice to physically touch and see her wife.  There was a lot of traffic as Diego drove them home. Santana even fell asleep on Brittany's shoulder that's how tired she was. As they arrived at their apartment building Santana was fast asleep and Brittany didn't have the heart to wake her up. Diego goes to open the car door as Brittany puts up her index finger up to her lips to inform Diego to "Shh"  Cortez came around and gently picked up Santana and carried her like a father would carry his sleeping daughter to bed.  It was adorable. So adorable that Brittany just had to take a picture.  Once in their apartment, Cortez gently placed Santana on the bed and then left. Brittany carefully took off Santana's high heels and her overcoat and left her in her casual business attire that was a little loose fitting. She was contemplating if she should try and change her into some cozy pajamas. Poor thing was so exhausted that Brittany heard Santana snore, it was adorable. It wasn't a loud snore that could wake the dead but it was soft and with a touch of husky rumble. Brittany left the room to go and check on Lord and Lady Tubbington and then locked the front doors. And turned in for the night.

Brittany was the first to wake up and started to make breakfast.  Once she was finished she walked to the bedroom to let Santana know that the food was ready.  As Brittany opened the bedroom door she noticed that Santana was still asleep. She walked over to check on her and kissed her softly on the forehead and noticed that her forehead was burning up.  Brittany quickly took the comforter off of her and just kept the sheet on her.  Brittany called Diego and asked if he could pick up some things from the store and she'd pay him back once he arrives.  She gave him the list through text 

juice- apple and white grape, sports drinks, broths, soups -chicken noodle, saltine crackers, decaffeinated tea, Tylenol,12 pack of Sprite,24 pack of Spring Water, Popsicle's and Vick's Vapor Rub. 

Brittany also called Mr. Sanchez to inform him that Santana has fallen ill from the book signing. And that she asked Diego to pick up a few items for her from the store.  Mr. Sanchez felt bad that Santana wasn't feeling well. Mr. Sanchez called Diego and had asked to put the charges on to the company credit card and asked Diego to pick up some flowers and a get well card.  Diego was happy to o·blige.  Brittany went to check on her wife and saw that she was lying in bed and moving very slowly.   Brittany sat at the side of the bed next to Santana who was shivering and was sniffling and was trying to talk.  "I  duh duh  don't feel so  goo goo good"  Brittany was stroking her hair out of her face and said "Shh don't talk, I'm gonna take you a lukewarm bath and put you in some cool pajamas and straight back to bed for some rest and once Diego gets here with your "Get Santana to feeling better kit" I'll make you some soup and crackers with either a can of Sprite or a bottle of water, maybe both."  Santana looked up and mouthed "Thank you".  So Brittany went to go start the lukewarm bath and got a short pajama set and a pair of panties a towel and a washcloth. She also put in a cap full of Rubbing Alcohol in the bathwater. 

 Santana was weak from not feeling well so Brittany helped her undress and put her hair in a bun and carried her to the bathtub and gently placed her in the lukewarm bath.  Brittany took the washcloth and soaked it in the bathwater with alcohol and gently massaged Santana's entire body.  Brittany carefully helped Santana out of the bath and dried her body off and helped her put on her pajamas and helped her back in bed.   Ding dong, the doorbell rang. Brittany went to answer the door. It was Diego with the items from Brittany's text message.  Brittany opens the door and see's Diego holding a bouquet of flowers with card attached and two bags of groceries as Cortez carried the case of water and the 12 pack of Sprite and two juice bottles. Brittany showed them in and places the items on the kitchen counter-tops.  Both Diego and Cortez said "We hope Mrs Lopez feels better soon."  Brittany gave each one a hug and said "Awe, thanks so much for everything, I'll pass the message on to her."  Diego then mentioned "Please call me no matter what time it is if you need anything?"  "Thanks so much, Diego that means a lot, oh I forgot to pay you, how much do I owe you for the groceries?'  Diego responded, "No need to pay, it's all been taken care of compliments of Mr. Sanchez."  Diego and Cortez head for the door as Brittany says "Thanks again, you guys are the best."  Diego replies "Family takes care of family." "I couldn't agree more," Brittany replied back. 

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