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It was nearing the end of April and a terrible accident just outside the girls' apartment from the downpour took everyone by surprise. Santana, Brittany, and Santino were all sound asleep, but the sound of hard rain and the screeching echos of several tires trying to halt and the piercing screams from both victims and onlookers as the impact of different types of cars barreling into one another as shards of glass flew in all directions, jolted them all awake. Santino's crying had Santana up on her feet as Brittany turned off the alarm put her slippers on and robe and unlocked the sliding glass door that leads out to their balcony to see the aftermath.

"Well, there go our plans for the park today guys, sorry," Santana said as she just finished changing Santino.

"Holy fiddlesticks it looks insane down there," Brittany said as she returned from the outside.

"I imagine so after hearing all that commotion. Looks like we're stuck inside all day." Santana said as she's getting ready to breastfeed their son.

"I don't mind being stuck in the house with the two people I love most in the whole world," Brittany said leaning down to give her wife a kiss and a kiss on their son on his forehead as to not interrupt his feeding time. 

"Well, maybe we can tire Santino with him learning how to crawl that we can get reacquainted when we put him down for his nap, later on, whaddya say?" Santana asks coyly with brows moving up and down rapidly.

"Hmm, I like the sound of that" Brittany says with the biggest smile ever.

"Well, it has been a while since we've had some lady lovin!" Santana said while taking in a deep breath.

"Tell me about it, it's been 23 days, 18 hours, 27 minutes, and 12 seconds since our last sweet sexy encounter," Brittany said taking an even bigger breath.

'Really Britt, really! You've been keeping tabs on it?" Santana asked as she moved Santino over to her other breast to continue feeding him.

"Of course I have, I'm all about the digits, your measurements, how long it's been since I've touched your hot sexy body hey I"m a numbers girl reeeemeeemberrr! Brittany stated

Brittany leaned in again to get another kiss.

"You mean to tell me that you haven't been counting down the days?" Brittany asked

Santana looked at Brittany and then looked down with a small smile on her face.

Brittany squatted down to look at Santana's eyes with a little smirk back.

"Well?' Britt asked softly

'Yes, I have to. There are you happy now!" Santana said jokingly

"Awe, babe, you are so adorable. I love you." Brittany says as she gives her wife another sweet little kiss before heading out to the kitchen. 

As Brittany was finished making breakfast. Santana came in with Santino in her arms and placing him in his high chair that was adjacent to the kitchen table. 

"Mmm it smells so delicious babe, I"m so hungry," Santana said as she sat at the kitchen table and scooted Santino in closer to the table. 

"I'm sorry did you just say that you were horny!" Britt shockingly asked picking her head out of the refrigerator with a puzzled look on her face.

"I said I was HUNGRY! Hungry not horny silly." Santana laughing as she answered back.

"Yeah well, I can honestly say that I'm both and I know for a fact that you are both too, so yeah!" Britt replied

Just as they were getting ready to eat their breakfast a knock on the door takes Brittany away from her next bite.

As Brittany gets up to answer the door, Santana looks on as she continues to eat and keeps an eye on Santino playing in the high chair.

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