The call

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Santana's phone rings. It had been just about a week when Santana and her Dad spoke about her wanting to have a baby. 

Santana didn't recognize the phone number but still answers, "Hello?"

Mr.Lopez says, " Hi Mijia, how are you and Brittany doing?"

Santana replied, "Hi Dad, we are both doing fine. Brittany's not home right now, but she's on her way, is everything okay Dad?"

Mr. Lopes asked, "Mijia, did you have a talk with Brittany about the Baby topic yet?"

Santana replied, "Yes Dad I did and she is so excited, we both are. Are mom and Abuela okay?"

Mr. Lopez answered, "Yes Mijia, everybody is fine. But I want to speak to both of you, so can you please call me back at this number as soon as Brittany gets home?"

Santana asked, "Dad you're kinda scaring me, why do I have to wait for Brittany, can't you just tell me, and then I can relay the message on to her?"

Mr. Lopez mentioned, "Mijia, this is very important and I would like to say it to both of you at the same time please, what time will she be home?"

Santana answered, "She should be home in about an hour?"

Mr. Lopez said, "Ok, Mijia please call me back at this number okay pumpkin?"

Santana replied, "Yes Daddy, I will as soon as she walks in the door, I'll give you a call back at this number that's on my caller ID."

Mr. Lopez said, "I'll be waiting Mijia, love you. bye'

Santana replied, "Love you too Daddy, bye"

Santana is pacing back and forth trying to figure out what her Dad has to say to both her and Brittany.  Is it a good thing, is it a bad thing. is it going to cost a fortune, will they be able to afford it? The risk factor? She was making herself sick by overthinking all the different possibilities. She sat on the couch crisscrossed her legs and started to rub her temples with her hands trying real hard to calm down.  Santana's phone was receiving a video call. It was Brittany, she tried to compose herself before answering the call.

Santana smiles, " Hey Babe, how's it going?"

Brittany says, "Hectic day, I just needed to see your pretty face before heading home."

Brittany notices Santana's eyes and says, "Honey, what's wrong?'

Santana clears her throat and answers, " Nothing, I'm just surprised you're video chatting me?"

Brittany looks at Santana and knows she's holding back but continues anyway and tries to sidetrack her mind with some news. "Well, I have some news. next week we are gonna have to pre-record 4 "Queso Por Dos" segments and 4 "Fondue for Two segments before the two-week vacation for the Holiday, and I'll get with you to see the days and times that will work best. Oh and I bought you something, well it's more for me than for you when you come to think of it?

Santana says, "Babe, you didn't have to get me anything really, but what is it?"

Brittany reply's, "I'll hand it to you once I get home, okay?"

Santana responds, "When will you be coming home? And what do you feel like eating for dinner?"

Brittany said, "I should be home in about 45 minutes and don't worry about dinner, we'll order Chineses and have it delivered, tonight is going to be special?'

Santana questioned, "Something special, oh wait did my Dad call you?"

Brittany was puzzled, "Why would my father-in-law call me, oh my god Santana did he call you about the baby news?"

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