The Gathering and then some

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A hectic week was such an understatement. Planing the funeral arrangements for Dr. Taylor. Reading of the Will. Packing up not only their apartment but Dr. Taylor's as well.  As for Kyle, he had his good days and his bad days. That was to be expected. But, all in all, he was a trooper. 

The services for Dr. Taylor were really nice. Many of his colleagues attended and checked in on Kyle too. Kyle had received many envelopes from them. A few of them had exchanged contact information with both Brittany and Santana so that they can keep in touch with not only them but Kyle as well. And that's when they all return every so often back to New York to let them know so that they can visit. 

The gathering after the funeral services were held at a local banquet hall provided by contributions from D. Taylor's former colleagues.

"The services were lovely and when the two of you sang Wind Beneath My Wings, well I just lost it, but you both sing beautifully." Said a woman that worked alongside Dr. Taylor

"Awe, thank you so much. And you are?" Santana asked as Brittany was off to the side sitting down holding Santino and Kyle standing next to them.

'Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm Tracey Stevens, I was one of Glenn's attending nurses, we've worked together for the past few years. I'm really going to miss him and Kyle", replied Tracey

"Please to meet you, Tracey, we are so sorry for the loss. I'm Santana and this is my wife Brittany and our son Santino and well you know Kyle" Santana said shaking Tracey's hand.

"Glenn told me all about the two of you," Tracey said

"Oh, he did. I'm kinda afraid to ask what was said of us?" Santana replied timidly

"Oh, it was all good things, he spoke highly of the two of you. In fact, he even spoke to me about asking the two of  you to be the guardians of Kyle." Tracey informed

"We had no idea that he had told anyone, actually," Brittany replied

"He actually told me after the very first day you all met in the park," Tracey mentioned

"Wait...what!!" Santana stammered

"Oh, yeah, he was all like "Anyone that was so set to find out who had hit your son, showed that you are the protective type and just wanted the person, to tell the truth, and that Brittany was the calm one during a disagreement and that after he got to know each of you more than you both were the perfect fit to raise Kyle" Tracey stated

"See, and here you thought that Dr. Taylor hated you San." Brittany softly said to her wife making eye contact while grabbing at Santana's hand

Santana smiled softly as she looked down at the floor. Tracey moved closer to Santana

"Before Glenn met the two of you, he actually had asked if I could take Kyle in" Tracey whispered to Santana

"Oh, so what happened, if I may ask?" Santana whispered back

"I work long hours and I'm a contracted nurse, so when my contract is over, I get reassigned to basically where ever I'm needed. Like a traveling nurse. So there would be no stability for Kyle and he needs that. And I understand that you all will be moving away back to Oklahoma was it?" Tracey whispered

"It's Ohio actually," Santana whispered back

"I think the move will do Kyle some good. You know. Change in scenery and whatnot." Tracey whispered

"Well, we had planned the move way before we even knew of Kyle and his dad. It's not like after this happened we decided to move away." Santana whispered back

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