The Steps

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It's been a few days since Santana and Brittany had their bloodwork done. They were out running a few errands since Christmas was already a week away.  Both Santana and Brittany made a promise not to get anything for each other this year, instead, they got a gift for each of their friends and decided to have a Holiday Party at their house this upcoming Saturday evening. They had sent a group text to everyone. Mercedes, Sam, Artie, Tina, Mike, Quinn, Rachel, Jesse, Kurt, and Blaine. Puck was stationed in Germany and was unable to attend.

They had arrived home in record time, plus it was still daylight outside so they were good. Cold but good. Brittany took most of the packages to their bedroom closet. Santana went into the kitchen to brew some coffee.  Brittany turned on both fireplaces to warm up the apartment, then checked on the cats. 

Santana's phone rings. She just answered without seeing who it was. 

"Hello" Santana answered.

"Hello, Mrs. Lopez this is Courtney from Dr. Wyatt's office is this a good time?" Courtney asked

"Hi Courtney, how are you, and yes it is?" Santana was trying to sound not so nervous.

"I'm fine, thank you. Mr. Wyatt was wondering if you and Mrs. Pierce-Lopez are able to make it into the office within the next 30 minutes?" Courtney requested.

'Um. yeah, sure, we will both be there." Santana replied

'Great, see you soon.' Courtney replied.

"See you soon, thank you for calling," Santana said as she ended the call.

"Brittany, babe, we need to go?" Satana called out.

Brittany was finishing up in the bathroom when she heard Santana call for her.

"Hey, hun, everything okay, where are we going?" Brittany asked

"I just got a call from Dr. Wyatt's office, he needs us to come in within the next 30 minutes!" Santana said turning off the fireplace in the living room. 

Brittany ran to turn off the fireplace in the bedroom. Then ran back grabbed her coat, locked the door, and met Santana in the elevator. 

"Santana, Diego won't' make it in time to pick us up because he just dropped us off and probably halfway home by now!" Brittany mentioned

"Tell you what, we'll get a cab there and text Diego now and ask him if he can pick us up at Dr. Wyatt's office?" Santana requested

"Okay, good plan, I'll text him now explaining everything?" Brittany responded

As they made it out of the apartment building Santana quickly whistled for a cab.

They made it to the Doctor's office in record time.  

They are sitting in Dr. Wyatt's office waiting nervously. 

Dr. Wyatt enters his office and sits down.

"Hello ladies, and how are we today?" Mr. Wyatt asks looking at both of them and then opens up their folder.

"We're both fine, just a little nervous is all," Santana answered.

"No need to be nervous, I have the lab results for the both of you." Dr. Wyatt mentions

They both take a deep breath

'Is everything okay Dr. Wyatt?" Brittany asks

"Everything is just fine, you both are very healthy as you should be because of your ages.' Dr. Wyatt says.

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