Oh, wow...ready?

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It was Sunday afternoon, a few days after Thanksgiving.  Both sets of parents and Abuela are heading back to Ohio.  They were all sad to leave. They wished that they could have stayed longer. But they will all be back in a few weeks for Christmas and New Years'.  So they were already counting down the days.  

 Brittany and Santana and the baby had to say their goodbyes from their apartment, since the weather was getting colder and it's never wise to take a newborn out, only to the necessary appointments with the pediatrician for wellness check-ups. Both Santana's mom and Abuela told Santana to bundle up when taking the baby to the appointments and to keep both her back and chest warm at all times because she's breastfeeding her son. So they made both Santana and Brittany promise that Santana would bundle up keeping her back and chest well covered. As well as bundle up the baby.

"Oh god Britt," A worried  Santana said

"Wa what's wrong Hun?" Brittany asked

"It's just us and the baby!" Santana said with worry

"Oh, I know, I was afraid to say anything!" Brittany said with a sigh

"So what's the plan?" Santana asked

"Well, they say to sleep when the baby sleeps, so maybe we can split it in shifts?" Brittany suggested

"Like how?" Santana asked

"Well, the baby eats every two hours, right?" Brittany said

"Yes, every two hours.' Santana agreed

"So during the day, you'll be up for four hours and feed our son twice within that time frame while I sleep, and after changing him and putting him down to sleep, you can pump and store your breastmilk in several bottles for the night time while you sleep for four hours and I can feed our son with those bottles. So you'll do the day shift and I'll do the night shift. Whaddya say? Brittany suggested

"That sounds good, but when do we get to spend some time together?" Santana asked lovingly

"In due time Hun, but we need to get situated with this new life with our son now and see if it works out, if not, we'll figure it out as we go. But my main priorities are you and our son, I want to make sure that you get enough rest and that our son is fed properly and make sure I get rest too. Because I've heard stories about sleep deprivation and I really don't want either of us to experience that." Brittany stammered

"Well, the good thing is, Santino is not much of a crier, so far he's a real good baby," Santana said happily

"Yeah, but, how long will that last?" Brittany asked

"Oh, babe please don't jinx it please!" Santana rubbing her temple

"Well, I read somewhere that freshly expressed or pumped milk can be stored: At room temperature (77°F or colder) for up to 4 hours. In the refrigerator for up to 4 days. In the freezer for about 6 months is best; up to 12 months is acceptable. So, since you just feed Santino and changed him and he's sound asleep, how about you go ahead and take a rest, I'm not tired at the moment so I'll get started on the laundry. " Brittany stated.

"Okay, I'll wait for about 45 minutes and then pump for tonight's feedings, and then I'll take a little nap if that's okay with you?" Santana said

"How about you go rest and I'll wake you up in 45 minutes, that's usually the time I'll put the laundry in the dryer from the washing machine, sound good?" Britt suggested

'Only if you're sure.  {Yawn} I am kinda tired!" Santana said trying not to yawn again.

Brittany leans in to give Santana a kiss on her forehead and looks in her adorable tired face and says, 'Hun, of course, I'm sure, now go and take a little nap. And then I'll wake you when the timer goes off so you can pump. Now go.' 

Brittana  Our new life after the Honeymoon.Where stories live. Discover now