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After checking in at the Inn By The Sea Resort, all parties, Santana and Brittany, Diego, and then Cortez all head to their assigned rooms.  Both Diego and Cortez on one side of the resort with Diego in one room and across the hall  Cortez's room.  On the south side of the resort is the suite for Brittany and Santana.  

Both mouths dropped as they take notice of their Suite.  Once settled in both Brittany and Santana sit out on the balcony overlooking the breathtaking view of the beach ahead.  Santana then shifting in her seat Brittany looks over and asks 'Hun, are you alright?" 

"I'm fine, just a little back pain is all, it will go away.' Santana whimpered

"Here, let's go inside and lay down for a bit and relax okay?" Brittany suggested as she extends her hand out to help Santana up and lead her into the hotel room. 

"Maybe you're right, the two-hour flight is kinda getting to me, after all, I didn't get much sleep last night because of 1) I was excited about this awesome trip and 2) our little wiggle worm is now using my bladder as a damn trampoline and got up a few times to pee. " Santana mentioned

Brittany took Santana by the arm and led the way to the bedroom and they cozied up together spooning. Laying down or sleeping on the left side improves circulation to the heart and allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. Brittany read somewhere and always reminded Santana to do so. 

They were both so relaxed that they didn't realize that they had taken a two-hour nap. Brittany woke up first and went to go freshen up in the bathroom while she let Santana sleep as long as she needed to. She then went out to the living area of their suite and saw a folder that had been slid under the doorway.  She went to pick it up and then sat down on the couch. She opened up the folder to find the itinerary for the next four days of their stay. 

Brittany was watching T.V as Santana walked looking adorable with her hair all wild and such. 

'Why didn't you wake me, Babe, I didn't mean to sleep so long, especially being here in this beautiful resort with my beautiful wife." Santana said as she cuddled up next to her wife on the couch.

Brittany snaking her arm around her wife's shoulders and placing a kiss on her forehead saying "Hun, you looked so peaceful I didn't have the heart to wake you."

"I just hope I'll be able to sleep tonight," Santana said

"Oh I can tire you out if that happens," Brittany says with a smirk on her face

"Oooh  ahh, I'm sure you can!" Santana said giving Brittany a little kiss

"So, I got a text from Diego and he and Cortez want to know if we'd like to join them for dinner tonight?  Brittany asked

"Um...I don't know, what do you think?' Santana replied

"I don't mind, either way, we can meet up with them or we can stay in and order room service,  I want to do whatever you decide because these next few days are all about you my love," Brittany suggested

Santana is so touched by her wife's words that she couldn't hold back her tears and began to weep. 

"Oh, Sweetie what's wrong, " Brittany consoles her wife

"Nothing, I'm okay. I'm okay" Santana says still weeping

Brittany read all she could about pregnancies and learned so much about morning sickness, mood swings, nesting, sexual drives, cravings, and such. 

"Baby please don't cry, I really hate to see you cry." Brittany hugging Santana

"I hate not being able to control my feelings like before, it seems like at a drop of a hat I cry like a baby," Santana whispered leaning her head next to Britts.

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