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Santana is now at the end of her 6th month of pregnancy.  And Mr. Sanchez has booked another book tour for the new Cookbooks that have hit the bookstores "Spring into the Kitchen" and "Summer BBQ's".  Due to working around Santana's pregnancy, they had to be postponed from the early springtime to the mid-summer.   The only good thing is that the book tour was in California for a few days along with Brittany because she has to choreograph dance numbers for an awards show with the help of Mike Chang. The only thing is Brittany and Mike will be in California for a week, whereas Santana will be in California for 3 days. 

"Are you excited about your book signing in California Mrs.Lopez?" Diego asked as he was driving her home after having lunch with Brittany. 

"Yes, I am for the beginning but I just wished that I could stay in California with Brittany for the entire week, you know!" Santana said sadly

Diego arrives at Santana's building and helps her out of the car.

"Will you be okay Mrs. Lopez?" Cortez asked

"Yes,  I'm kinda tired, I'm just gonna take it easy and take a nap," Santana said

"Well, you know how to reach us if you should need us for anything? Cortez mentioned

After she arrived in her apartment, Santana locked the doors and went into her bedroom and changed into lounging clothes,  and went to the living room turned on the radio and put on smooth jazz music, and got comfy on the couch with a few throw pillows to place around her body as she texted her wife.

Text " Hi Luv, just got home, tired, laying down resting in the living room listening to music, love you see you tonight, oh  and what would you like for dinner?" xoxo San 😘

Brittany sees the text message and is happy she got home safely. With a smile on her face she text's her wife back.  "Hi, Hun, glad ur home safe. get some rest don't worry about dinner I'll pick something up. Wish I was there with u. love u 2.  C U 2nite." xoxoxo 😍😘

Santana sees the text and smiles and says to her son that's moving around in her stomach, "Okay, it's time to settle down mami needs some rest,  your momma will be home later and she's giving me the night off from cooking. So please can you let me rest for a bit. I love you so much and so does momma." as she's rubbing her stomach. 

It took a while for Santana to relax and rest because her son was just moving around so much, it was like he was dancing to the music. When she got a text from her wife. 

Text, "Hi my Luv, got off early, be home within an hour. xoxo  ❤️

Santana reads the text and tells her son," Okay you, momma will be home sooner, so please let me get a little rest before she gets home. Please. I love you. " as she continues to rub her stomach.

The soothing music relaxes Santana and was finally able to drift off. 

As Santana was asleep she has a recurring dream or nightmare rather and she is in labor. Brittany was in the room helping her to concentrate and control her breathing. She heard in the distance "Okay, just a few more pushes Santana and then you'll get to see and hold your baby, okay next contraction I want you to push" She did as instructed and turns to look at Brittany and says, "Somethings wrong, Brittany" Brittany replied "I'm right here Hunny, I"m right here!" Santana's voice goes faint as she says, "Brittany I can't see" the beeping of the monitor is going faint. Brittany calls out, "Santana, no Santana come on baby, Doctor!!!" There's scrambling heard in the far distance. "Mrs. Pierce-Lopez please we need you out of the room so we can work on your wife!" Brittany says, "I'm not going anywhere, Santana please don't leave me, don't leave us! Santana!" A nurse yells "Get her outta here now!"

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