A special talk

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Brittany is at the Univision headquarters and will be in meetings all day. So with Santana being home and decorating the apartment into a winter wonderland, she decides to call her dad for a rather important phone call. 

Santana has been contemplating calling her Dad for a while now and she finally got up the nerve to.  "Hello," Mr. Manuel Lopez answered.  "Hi Daddy," Santana said, "Hi Mija, how are you and Brittany doing?" Mr. Lopez asked.  "We're okay daddy, how's mom?" Santana asked, "Your mom's doing fine?" Mr. Lopez replied.  "And Abuela?" Santana asked.  "Your Abuelita is doing fine too." Mr. Lopez answered.  Silence hit the phone call. "Mijia, is everything okay?" Mr. Lopez asked.  "Yeah, Daddy. I was just wanting to call and see how you all are doing?" Santana said nervously.  "Mijia, there's something in your voice that is telling me otherwise pumpkin, what is it?" Mr. Lopez asked.  "Well, Daddy I need your medical advice, and please you can't tell anyone, not mommy, not Abuela, and most importantly Brittany!"  Mr. Lopez then asks sternly "Santana are you sick Mijia?"  Santana answers quickly "No, Daddy, no I"m fine.  I'm just nervous about asking you about something?"  Mr. Lopez then softens his voice and says "Mijia, you know you can ask me anything without judgment, you know that right Mijia?"  Santana then asks with a quiver in her voice " Daddy do any of your former colleagues know a lot about artificial insemination?"  Mr. Lopez replied with a stutter in his voice "M M Mi Mijia, are you and Brittany thinking about having a baby?"  Santana answered, " I've been thinking about it Daddy, but I want it to be a surprise to Brittany and to mom and Abuela too, but you have to act surprised too okay Daddy?"  Mr. Lopez trying to hide his excitement "Oh Mijia."  Santana then said, "Daddy please don't cry then mom will think somethings wrong."  Mr. Lopez clears his throat and replies "Yes, Mijia, I know of someone that can help you."  Santana then asked, " Daddy, there's more?" Mr. Lopez puzzled replied " More Mijia, what do you mean more?  Santana then with a curious tone "I was wanting to get one of Brittany's eggs and a clearly researched sperm donor and have in vitro gametogenesis into me"  Mr. Lopez was quiet for a moment. 'Daddy, are you still there?" Santana cried out.  Silence.  But, Santana can hear sniffling in the distance of the phone call. 

"Daddy, are you okay?" Santana asked again. Clearing his throat, "Uh hum.. Yes, Mijia I'm okay" Mr. Lopez replied.  "So what do you think Daddy?" Santana asked nervously.  "I think it's a wonderful idea pumpkin."  Mr. Lopez replied.  "There's only  one problem?" Santana mentioned.  "Oh, and what's that pumpkin?"  Asked Mr. Lopez.  "Well, Daddy, how can I do this as a surprise to Brittany?' Santana asked.  "Pumpkin, honestly, there's no way possible,  she would have to know to consent to the procedure?" Mr. Lopez said.  "That's what I was afraid of because I didn't want to get her hopes up and then it not work, you know. I also know that it's going to take a lot of money for the procedures and we have a pretty good nest egg but still, the odds are slim to guarantee the first time around!" cried Santana. 

"Mijia, let me make some calls and I'll get back to you in a few days, will that be okay?" Mr. Lopez asked.  "Oh, yes of course Daddy, thank you?" Santana replied.  "But, Mijia, please talk to Brittany and explain what the plan is please, don't leave her out in the dark, and the sooner the better?" Mr. Lopez suggested.  "Okay, Daddy, I will. I promise, I'll talk to her tonight and I'll let you know the outcome when I hear from you in a few days when you call me back, okay?" Santana mentioned. "Okay Mijia, sounds like a plan, I'll talk to you soon? I love you and give Brittany our love too." Mr. Lopez said. "I will Daddy, give our love to Momma and Abuela too," Santana said.  The phone call ended.

Santana sent a quick text message to Brittany asking when did she think she'd be home tonight and what she was craving to eat for dinner?  After she sent the text, she went about decorating the rest of the apartment.  When Santana got nervous, she cleans and gets into a cooking and baking frenzy.  Since Santana was needing to speak to Brittany tonight about the "Baby Plan" it made her extremely nervous. 

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