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Soft cries can be heard from the separate nursery room that's adjoining the main nursery. The nurse Crissy has been with Brittany off and on for the past 15 minutes

Brittany is slowly rocking in the chair looking and holding her newborn son with tears falling with a lump in her throat trying to speak to her son.

"'{sniff } um Santino, your Mami  {sniff } is going to be okay and  {sniff} as soon as she wakes up {sniff} you with both get to see each other [sniff} and everything will be fine {sniff}  everything will be fine!" Brittany softly cries as she's holding her son up to her chest so he can hear her heart beating.

Crissy the nurse looks on with a heavy heart and carefully approaches Brittany

"Um Mrs. Pierce-Lopez, I'm sorry to have to ask you this but the doctors want to know if we have your permission to extract milk from your wife in order to feed your son?" The nursery nurse  Crissy asked

"My permission {sniff}  for what, I'm sorry, I don't  {sniff} quite understand?" Brittany asked still holding her son and rocking him skin to skin. Well, the upper part from her neck to just about the cleavage. 

Crissy squats down to speak softly to Brittany to explain.

"Well, your wife's lactating and we need for you to sign some papers for us to attach an electric breast pump to extract milk or more so the colostrum in order to feed your son. Since we try to encourage breastfeeding before giving newborns formula?"  The Crissy informed

Brittany gets up carefully and places her son in the crib.

"Usually we have the baby try and breastfeed, but unfortunately in your son's case, we are unable to. So we really need your permission to continue so that we can  get what your baby needs to eat." Crissy stated

"Would you mind if I speak to my family about this please?"  Brittany asked

"Yes, of course, but if you can try and hurry because the feeding schedule for your son is every two hours," Crissy mentioned

"Oh, I'll be real quick, Oh, and when will my family and friends be able to see my son in the window of the nursery?"  Brittany softly asked

"How many total visitors do you have?" Crissy asked

"Well, my parents, Santana's parents, and her Abuela to begin with, but, there's a lot more that are like our extended family which is approximately 16 so 21 in all I believe?" Brittany said

"Okay, just please tell them for only 10 minutes so bring in both sets of parents and the Abuela then one group of four, and then so on, because it's really only supposed to be two at a time. But considering your situation, I'll make an exception, and then if you want I can explain the reason for your signature on these papers?" Crissy stated

Brittany thanked the nurse and went quickly to the waiting room. Opened the doors and saw everyone in somber moods. What was supposed to be a joyous occasion has now turned into a devastating haze.

"Mom's and Dad's and Abuela can you all follow me please?" Brittany said in a very low tone

All five of them quickly made their way to Brittany's side.

"Have you heard anything about Santana, sweetheart?" Whitney Pierce asked

"No mom I haven't because they are running tests to find out what happened, but the nurse and I need to speak to you all in private, please follow me?" Brittany had them all follow her down the hallway

As they all rounded the corner, they noticed that Brittany was bringing them to the hospital's nursery.  

Nurse Crissy came out and meet with Brittany and the others and had them enter a room across the nursery and on the door, it read (PRIVATE). So they all filed in and either took a seat or stood up. 

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