Park Problems

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Spring is in the air

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Spring is in the air.  Warmer weather was a welcoming gift from Mother Nature.  

Santana was sitting on the nearby park bench just watching and admiring the two loves of her life interacting with one another.  Santana continued gazing at her family when all of a sudden flying disc flew by and found its way over her wife's head and since she was holding her son over her head swing him around and Brittany had no idea because of her point of view that the flying disc was headed their way.  It all happened so fast that Santana felt bad that she was not able to warn them of what was coming. 

"Wwwwwaaaaahhhhh  wwwaaahhh wwaahh!!!!!" Santino wales out as he gets struck with the flying disc to his forehead.

Brittany quickly brings her son down to comfort him as she quickly and safely walks over to her wife that's now standing and glaring at the group of uncaring teenagers. 

"HEY!!!" Santana aggressively shouts

The group of teens just stop and stare

'WHO THREW THIS THAT HIT MY SON!!!" Santana said in a stern voice looking at all in the group of teens.

The teens all look at each other with blank stares on their faces pointing to each other.


"Wwaahh  wwaahh  wwaahh" Santino continues to cry

Brittany has tried everything, rocking him back and forth, cradling him, and showering him with soft kisses, but sadly with no luck. Brittany is now standing next to  Santana trying to calm not only their son down but Santana too.

"Hey San' Brittany whispers in her wife's ear

"Huh" Santana mumbled as she continued to glare at the teenagers

"Um, your gonna have to feed him to help him calm down, you know like when he got his four-month-old shots two weeks ago like your mom said to do." Brittany continued to whisper

"What here!!!" Santana said looking around wide-eyed.

"Well it will take us a while to get back home and I don't think you want him screaming and crying all that way.' Brittany said

So Santana sat down on the bench and Brittany handed her their son. Brittany got one of Santino's receiving blankets and covered up her wife and son for privacy. Brittany then took her hair clip out of Santino's diaper bag to claps the blanket together behind Santana's neck.  As soon as Santana positioned Santino to breastfeed, he stopped crying.

"Um, excuse me, ma'am",  a little boy approached Santana but kept his distance

Santana stopped rocking back and forth and continued breastfeeding Santino when she looked over at the little boy that has addressed her.

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