First night

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It was nearing 6 pm and everyone just finished eating dinner. Kyle was playing with Santino on the floor teaching him the different colors to his huge plastic building blocks, as Mrs. Pierce looked on.

The others were all in the kitchen cleaning up and talking about the sleeping arrangements

"Tonight is going to be tough, how can we make it easy for him to adjust to his new surroundings," Santana asked quietly 

"I don't know Mijia, I just don't know," Maribel said as she was rubbing her daughter's back

Miguel waved to Pierce and Brittany to motion them to move closer to him.

 Brittany and her dad made their way to Mr. Lopez so that they were all in earshot from each other.

"I have an idea, but I wanna know if the two of you are up to it as well?" Miguel mentioned

Brittany and her dad looked at each other and both said "So, what's your idea?" 

"Well, how about we go to the nearest sporting good store and buy either some tent's or teepee's and the three of us and Kyle can each get one and camp out in the living room tonight, you know to kinda help him get used to his new life now. whaddya say?" Miguel suggested

"Dad, that's a great idea, let's tell Mom and Santana. Dad do you mind watching the boys and ask mom to come here please?" Brittany asked

"Oh, yeah, sure," Pierce replied as he started to walk to the living room

Whitney joined Maribel and Santana in the kitchen as Brittany and Miguel informed them of the idea.

Brittany was checking on her phone for the nearest sporting goods store and was checking to see if they had TeePee's in stock and sure enough they did. She had also texted Diego to pick her and a few others to do a few errands. He stated that he was on his way.

"Are you going to take Kyle with you or is he going to stay here and you'll surprise him when you get back?" Santana asked

"Good question, what do you think would be better?" Brittany asked in return

"Well, why don't you just ask him" Whitney questioned

"Kyle," Brittany said softly as everyone filed in behind her

"Yes ma'am" Kyle replied politely looking back and forth from Santino to Brittany

"Ma'am!!!, Um... anyway, the three of us (pointing to both dads and herself) are gonna go to the sporting goods store and we want to know if you wanna stay or go with us?" Brittany asked

"Ummm...I don't know" Kyle said looking down

"Well, Diego will be here with the limo so let's get ready, Santana, Hun we'll be back as soon as we can. Did you need us to get anything while we are out?" Brittany asked

"Wait, you're gonna ride in a limo?" Kyle stammered

"Yes, would you like to go with us, Kyle?" Pierce asked

"Yes please, hey can Santino come too?" Kyle asked

"Hum, I don't know, it's almost his bath time and his bedtime is pretty soon too," Santana said softly

"We've all had a long day and should all turn in early, so we better get going," Brittany said

So Brittany, Miguel, Pierce, and Kyle all left in the limo to the sporting goods store.

While they were out, Whitney, Maribel, and Santana got things ready for when they returned. They pushed the dining room table and chairs up against the wall and placed the coffee table under the dining table to make more room for the two or three teepees.

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