Help is on its way

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Finally, it was the day that both Brittany and Santana were waiting for. Both sets of grandparents and Abuela were arriving today. Usually, they take an afternoon flight, but since they all were missing their grandson so much they all took a very early flight.

It was 9 am on December 21, 2016, the doorbell rang.  Brittany and Santana were snuggled together and still in bed asleep, Santino didn't get phased by the chime that echoed throughout the apartment.  The doorbell rang again.  Santana heard it and quickly got up, wrapped herself in her plush white robe and slippers, and scurried to answer to door. 

Santana turns off the alarm, unlocks and opens the door, and is surprised to see her family this early at the door.

"Good morning sweetheart," Maribel said as she hugged and kissed her daughter on the cheek. 

As everyone filed into the warm house toting in bags full of presents and all wearing Santa Hats.

"Good morning mom, I wasn't expecting you all till later this afternoon?' Santana questioned

"I know Mijia, we wanted to get here sooner, so we all took an earlier flight to surprise you, so surprise!" Maribel said happily

"Yes, a big surprise!" Santana softly said

Maribel just looked around the apartment as did Whitney.

"Mijia, I don't mean to be nosy, but where is your Christmas tree and decorations at?" Maribel asked

"Yeah, really. This place looks unfestive!" Whitney said looking around

'Moms,  we haven't gone anywhere really since we brought the baby home, Britt and I have been sleeping in shifts to tend to Santino and he's really the only present that we wanted and have" Santana said as they all sat down in the living room. 

"Pumpkin, Pierce, and I will go out and get a tree, we'll be right back?' Miguel suggested

As Mr. Lopez and Mr. Pierce were putting on their overcoats back on and gloves Santana asked them to wait.

"Daddy, please wait. let me call Diego and Cortez and see if they can come and drive you to go get a tree, one sec let me go get my phone." Santana stated

Both Dads agreed and waited for her to return.

Santana walked back to the bedroom and saw Brittany slowly waking up and heard the baby start to squirm as well.

'Morning babe, um you're gonna need to put some clothes on because our parents and Abuela are here and our Dads want to go out and get us a Christmas tree."  Santana said as she leaned in to give her wife a morning kiss.

'I wasn't' expecting them until later on!" Brittany said while yawning and stretching.

"Yeah, well, they're here, so hurry and get dressed please and we can both take the baby out so they can see him," Santana said as she was getting dressed as well. Then she made the call to Diego.

Moments later both Santana and Brittany holding the baby come and join the family in the living room.

"Awe, can I hold him first please?' Abuela asks as she was sitting down on  the couch

'Absolutely Abuela. Here you go." Brittany bent over to gently lay her son in Abuela's fragile arms. 

Santana placing a few throw pillows under Abuela's arms and around her lower back to keep Abuela steady in holding her great-grandson. 

"Awe, thank you Mijia's. He's so adorable. " Abuela says and she softly begins to sing a song to Santino as everyone takes a seat to listen to the melody. 

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