Chapter 41

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Alan came back a few minutes later with my son and our brothers, my father and Francesco were also following him.

"What's going on dad?" Diesel asks me, stress lines appearing on his forehead as he rubs it. He looks tired, I don't know if I should bring him with me, but this involves his mom if we were to find her, he wouldn't forgive me for not bringing him with me.

I don't know what to do anymore... I start running my hands through my hair and pulling it.

"Sin, son what's wrong?" I hand the letter to my father and let him and everyone else read it.

"Does this mean that mom could be there, alive?" Hope could be heard in Diesel's, I don't want my son to be hurt again so I immediately warn him.

"Don't get your hope's up Diesel, she may not be there, and even if she isn't we have to kick those hedgehogs fuckers from out of our territory." They all agree with my words, Diesel looks me in the eyes and nods, sadness could be seen in them. I hate doing this to my son, but we can't get our hopes up.

"Grab your guns get your bikes and let's go. Francesco, you go back to the infirmary, and father, if anything happens you know where we are."


Francesco and my father ended up coming with us on this rescue mission. Francesco somehow convinced us and the nurses to let him come with us, don't ask me how but he just did. We rode in silence for thirty minutes, until we were a mile away from our destination.

"From now on we will walk." I told them after shutting down my bike.

"Keep your eyes and ears open, be ready for anything and everything. Diesel you and I will be leading the group."

Twenty minutes later and the warehouse came into view. There was a guard outside guarding the door.

"Observe first, there could be more guards on the inside. Wait a minute before attacking." My father told Jack who was already taking aim to fire.

We stayed hidden and, after two minutes another guard came out of the warehouse, the man's knuckles were bleeding and he was grinning while zipping up his pants.

"I've watched enough!" Jack exclaimed. "There's obviously someone down there and whoever it is just got raped." The seven of us took aim and shoot the men.

We moved from our hiding spot and quickly invaded the warehouse. A man ran from downstairs and bumped into us, I quickly stabbed him in the neck and left him to bleed on the floor.

We went towards the trapdoor where the man came from and walked down the stairs. At the end of the stairs was an old and small hospital wing, the walls were white and, on the wall farthest from the staircase, there was a door. We walked towards that door and opened it, only to find a hall. We walked down that hall and found... another door.

"How many more doors are we going to find!?" Complained Francesco. We shushed him, not that we didn't agree with him but because there could be more guards down here. We all stayed quiet and advanced towards the door. Once we opened the door we stepped foot into a weird wing with chairs and three doors at each end of the place.

"Separate and choose a door." Alan, father and Francesco went together to the door on the left, Jack and John went to the door on the right, and Diesel and I went to the door in the middle.

"Be careful." I told them and with this, we separated.

Coincidently, the door I choose was the cell's wing. I keep looking inside the cell's to try to find Dalila's cell when Diesel's called me.

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