Chapter 36

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Dwain was on the phone with Alan when I left the house, I couldn't stay there. I didn't want to listen to the bad news Alan was delivering. So, instead, I went out to the library and searched for someone from my mother's past.

My mother was in the military before she married my father and because of that, I used it as an excuse to be able to send my mother home escorted by the military. I don't care if this is wrong or illegal but I'm going to call her ex-Sargent Major, he's probably able to push some strings since he's the Colonel's nephew, if he doesn't then I'll search for my grandfather George best-friend. Mom told me that he had been able to get up on the ranks, last time she heard he was a type of General or something like that.

Now, I'm not sure if this is correct or not but let's hope that I can find them because no matter what my mother is going home with the military escorting her, I'm not risking her's and Raul's body being intercepted by the Hedgehogs current leader.


I spent a few hours in the library reading and searching for everything I could about the army, and a few people from my mother's past. During my research, I found lots of things like Ferdinand Murray, my mother's, and at some point my father's Sargent Major. I found out that Ferdinand Murray is currently serving as a Major on a military base close by.

Major Murray's uncle is retired, the man is stunk in a wheelchair after a mission went wrong. He was able to save his squad but he was caught in the explosion, ending with the right side of his face a bit deformed and his right eye almost blind. I also found out that the old man is doing well, causing trouble around the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Mississippi and organizing wheelchair races to raise funds for children in orphanages and children in wheelchairs.

I found out a few things about my grandfather George as well. He was my mother's father, he died when my mom was 16, he was only 38 years old when he died. His best friend is my mother's godfather and my mother's godfather's name is Malcolm Fletcher. Today Malcolm is 66 years old and he's still in the army with the title of General.

Malcolm joined the army with my grandfather when they were both 18 years old, at 21 my grandfather married my grandma Rosa, and one year later they had my mother. My mother was 41 when she died, she's two years younger than my father.

Alright, enough with the stories, let's get to the point.

I was able to get a hold of Major Murray's phone number AND I found out that Ex-Colonel Porter Murray is having wheelchair races in 3 days, and do you want to know the best part !?

Do you? Do you?!

The best part is that Major Murray and General Malcolm are both going to be there!

I'm planning on calling Major Murray and tell him to meet with me after his uncle's race, I'm going to tell him whose daughter I am and to bring the General with him to meet me. I'm going to catch a plane and travel 3 hours from Boston to Mississipi, then I'm going to the race and leave a few hundred dollars to the children in need, and then I'm going to meet them outside the retirement house. Easy right? I just need to call Ferdinand and set the plan into motion.

With this plan in mind, I leave the library and go towards the nearest phone booth. Once there I quickly scan my surroundings and, after deeming it safe I deal Major Murray's phone number and wait.

Ring ring... Ring ring... Ring ring... Rin-

"Major Murray speaking, whose this?" Major Ferdinand finally answers the call, his voice is harsh as if daring me to say anything he might dislike and I can almost feel him squinting his eyes at the phone and scowling like my mother said he used to do.

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