Chapter 32

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Sage’s POV

An hour before I had to go to my fight Dwaine runned inside my room and woke me up from my slumber.

I had fallen asleep on my window when he runned in. I woke up with a jump and almost fell from the window. If he was acting crazy when he walked in, then he turned spychotic when he saw me almost falling off of the window.

He helped me up get back inside the room and started pacing while rambling on and on about something sounding like a maniac. I lost my patience after a minute of this show and snapped a him demanding answers.

“What the hell happened for you to be acting like this Dwaine !?”

“Francesco got shot !”

“WHAT !? How do y-”

“I was on the phone with him and the fucker got shot ! Whatever plan you were going to execute tomorrow in case the war was still going on is, we’re going to do it.” Immediatly the wheels started turning in my head.

“Pay attention to people at the club, take some men with you and scatter, someone might hear something important. Tonight after the fight your spies and me are going to the docs, most of the men are departing from there. ” I start saying my plan out loud when I remembered a minor detail, not that I minded if he doesn’t have them, but another set of eyes and ears are always usefull when put to good use.

“Do you actually have spies ?” I ask him.

“Of course we do. What kind of gang do you think we are ?” He asks me indignated.

“Anyway, get ready for your fight, I’ll get everything ready in half an hour.” he was about to get out of my room when he stopped and faced me.

“By the way I’m still going to check on your injuries.” I was going to complain when he cut me off “If you complain I’ll call the doctor.” He warns me.

“Alright...” I huff. “Just make sure that everyone, including the spies are wearing bullet prove vests.” He nods and leaves me to get ready.

~ Half past midnight at the front of the fight club ~

Dwaine brough with him five of his most trusted men, twenty minutes before my fight we’re outside the building where the fights occure reviewing our plan. At first the men didn’t want to cooperate seeing that a ‘little girl’ was the one ordering them around but, in the end we got over that problem since I’m the one helping them win a war without them needing to leave their homes. Anyway....

“So what are we doing here ?” Wayne, one of the five men questions us (me and Dwaine).

“We’re here because Nina is fighting tonight and boss wants someone to always accompany her here, besides while she’s fighting we will scout out the area.” Dwaine starts explaining why we’re here and adds a few unnecessary details...

“While I’m fighting you’re going to split up and watch everyone who seems suspicious to you, meaning any gang members from others gangs that are inside the club, you will discretely watch them and listen to their conversations to see if they know anything about the war going on in Sicily.”

“Paul, Jeffrey, Wayne, Larry and I are going to split up around the club, Scott your’re staying with Nina, anywhere she goes you go with her. When she get’s up on the fighting ring you wait for her and when she get’s out of it you follow her, expecially when she goes to claim her cash, there are always perverts around.” And here goes Dwaine being overprotective like my uncles....

“Oh, and Scott don’t forget to forbid Nina of killing her opponents.” Dwaine warns Scott about my fetish and all the men look at him like he’s crazy, then they look at me and I smirk widely making them raise their eyebrowns at me.

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