Sage - part 2

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A sudden rush of adrenalin went through me and the next thing I know I've grabbed the man's arm and send him flying against two glass doors that shattered with the impact of his body. While everybody was distracted with Quentin's guy incident I walked outside like nothing happened. The moment that I stepped a foot outside of the hospital a black raven's got my attention. 


"Ray Ray! I can't believe you waited for me all this time." I exclaimed. Ray Ray is my raven, he's been with me for years. My mother and I saved him from a cat and from that moment on he's always been by our side. I can't believe that he's been here waiting for me.

Sincerely I wouldn't think he would still be here after all he is a wild animal.

"Come here, Ray." I said while stretching my arm at him for him to land on it.
He did as I said and landed on my arm letting me pet him on the head.

"I missed you, you know Ray."

Ray made a noise of his own as if he was saying " I missed you too Sage."
I patted Ray Ray's head one last time before letting him fly away.

If I remember correctly I left ''my'' car at the parking lot.
So I made my way there to try to find the car but ...
"Fuking cops took my car away."

I was so mad... but then my mother's words rushed through my mind.
'Just breath Sage, breath. When your angry you need to take deep breaths and, after that if you're still mad you search for a peaceful place, somewhere away from people.  After finding your peaceful space just sit down and think .'

So that's what I did. I took slow deep breaths in and out and after calming down I started looking around. Not seeing anything from the parking lot I started walking around until I looked across the road and saw a big green park.
The park had big trees, lots of flowers and bushes and it was just perfect for me to sit down for a bit and think.

I crossed the road and started walking around the park. When I entered the park I noticed that Ray Ray was still with me.

At some point I came across a huge tree near a lake, it was so peaceful with butterflies flying around and birds singing ... I couldn't resist it so I sat down with my back leaning against the tree trunk and closed my eyes thinking about everything that happened during this last years.
Ray Ray came and landed near me on the floor.

What am I going to do now?

My mom is dead, Raul (her baby brother) is also dead, my father doesn't know about me and I don't even know where I am. The only good thing about this is that Vinico and that Agatha bitch are dead.

I think an hour has passed when I started feeling a weird presence close to me. And I guess I wasn't imagining it cause Ray Ray felt it too. He flew away and landed on a tree branch.
I started hearing movement near the tree and quickly closed my eyes.
Maybe the person will leave I trough.

Minutes passed when I felt something pull on my shirt. I opened my eyes and was instantly meet with big brown eyes.
These eyes belonged to a child.


"Hello." I said.

I admit it it was a bit awkward talking with a little boy knowing that I was the reaction that my little brother wasn't alive.

"I'm Cameron. What's your name? You look sad. Were you lost in troughs? You kinda loke like my uncle."

So many questions...

"Ammmm.... aaa... Hey... ?  My name is Sage. But don't tell anyone okay?"

"Okay." he answered

Seconds passed until he asked:

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