Chapter 21

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Sicily 10 a.m.

The jet is about to arrive at any moment now and Sin Sinner is at the airport waiting.

"Thirty minutes late, where the hell is that damned jet !?" grumbles the apprehensive men.

Suddenly the scratch of car tires is heard and Sin's attention immediately goes to the gray car parked almost inside the aircraft runway. From the car a tall and wrinkled old men with a beer belly and a big beard came out.

"Father !? " A shocked Sin exclaims "What are you doing here ?" he asks at the same time as he rush to the old men side.

"My Line is finally coming home !" the old man exclaims happy, his eyes shining, looking more alive than ever for the last ten years.


My jaw drops open.

My mama Line is coming home ? Not possible, she's dead...

I guess my papa finally lost his mind.

Ten years ago, when Leane went missing my papa went crazy, not sleeping, eating or drinking. He searched for her 24/7.

After 3 years of searching my papa finally understood that he's been in love with her all his life and after that, with the fear of her truly being gone he started drinking none stop. Six months after that he called off the search's for Leane and drowned himself in Russian vodka and in cigarrets.

I don't know where he got the idea that mama is coming back from but I guess it's time to cut off the vodka from his life.

"Come papa, let's go that little café and eat breakfast." He looks at me warily but still follows me. 'The vodka is messing up his head.' I mumble.

"What did you just say !?" My father questions me darkly.

"Nothing father, nothing."


"Ow, dad ! That hurt." This is it, he lost it. He just slapped me. I can see that he is old but the age hasn't messed up with his hearing, unlucky me.

" I'm not crazy !" He screams in my face attaching his hand to my ear and pulling it. He starts walking towards the café and I don't have another choice then to follow him, otherwise I'll lose my ear.

We reach the café and my father makes me sit down, ordering for the two of us.

"Eat." He orders me once the food is served.

We ate and I paid for the food. My father was vibrating like a kid on a sugar rush, he couldn't stop fidgeting on his sit. We stayed in the café for few more minutes, I was reading the newspaper when my father jumped and runned outside.

"Oh my god, where did that old shit get so much energy from to be running around the airport ? " I huff and follow him outside.

By the time I got to my father Francesco, Zeke and Carl had already gotten out of the jet.

Zeke was looking at my father confused, but I don't blame the kid, it's not every day you see your normally drunk grandfather jumping around excited. Out of the blue my father's eyes widen and his jaw drops open I follow his angle of vision and I can't believe in my eyes.

My mama, at the top of the jet's stairs with one of my man's from Boston caring her bags, her smile graces us and a few tears fall from her eyes, my father's face mirrors hers and happy tears poll in his eyes. My mama runs down the jet stairs and my father opens his arms for her.

Everyone looks at them in awe. The moment Leane reaches my father's arms, he spins her around and lifts her in the air observing her face. She's changed a bit, but she's still beautiful.

I look at Francesco, and he looks at me, we both smile at one another, we finally have our parents together again. From the corner of my eyes I see Zeke covering his eyes with his hands, I look at my parents, then at Zeke and then quickly do a double take at my parents, they're kissing one another passionately, but by the way my father's hands are moving lower, I can see if anyone doesn't stop them we will see something which no one wishes to.

"Yuc !" Francesco and I scream in unison, our parents break apart, my father looks annoyed, my mother smiles shyly and me and Francesco look at one another and smirk like mischievous children.

"If looks could kill, we'll be dead bro."

"Don't I know it Franc, dead by our own father's 'hands' I say, embracing on hands while making air quotes.

"Can I open my eyes now ?" asks my nephew. " Have nono and nana Lady stop sucking faces ?" At this everyone laughs and mom blushes. Francesco a secures Zeke that it's safe to open his eyes, and after that my men leave, only staying the family.

"My son." Mom opens her arms to embrace me and tries to walk to me, but my father's arms don't leave her waist. She has to swat his hands away to be able to come to me. Once by my side mom hugs me tightly to her.

"So..." mom trails on excited. " How many more grandchildren do I have ??"

"Two more." Answers Francesco.

"Hazel and Cameron." Papa continues.

"They're good kids." I tell her. Dad nods his head confirming my statement.

"Hazel ?? As in a girl ?" mom asks astonished.

"John adopted her a few years ago after a big tragedy." we inform her.

"I'll tell you about it later." Dad promises mom.

"And what about Cameron ?" mom asks "Is he adopted too ? Not that I have anything against it, yo-" when mom gets nervous she starts to rambling, and that's what she's doing right now.

"He's Alan's son." Zeke tells her.

"Whaaa....." Mom stays in shock for a few minutes before she starts crying.

"My baby boy isn't a baby anymore !" She sobs. My father calms her down and and we start to make our way towards our cars with their luggage.

"One last question." Mom interrupts before we enter the cars.

"How old are they ?"

"Cameron is 5 and Hazel is 16." mom nods and smiles.

"I want to meet everyone later." She requests.

"Of course il mio amore, anything your hearth desires." My father tells her while kissing all over her face. They are so cute together and in love that it's almost sickening to watch.

Yuc !

We finally get in the cars, Francesco and my nephew with me while my mother is going with my father.

The voyage to my house is very animated, Zeke keeps talking about his best friend (and only friend), Nina aka Say Say. I never saw the kid so animated, she's good for the family, even without knowing us she's helped us more than all of my allies together.

We got home, Zeke and Francesco settled in and after, maybe 3 hours I get a call.

It's John, umm... weird, but ok.

I pick up the phone and before I can even say hello my brother speaks.

"Sin, come to the hospital right now."


See you in next chapter 😁

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