Chapter 33

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Sage’s POV
It took us a couple of minutes to get to the cars, a few more for everyone to chose who goes in which car, and bla bla bla, forty-five minutes later and we were finally at the docs. The moment I got out of the car Ray Ray came flying towards me.

“Are there bad guys in here Ray Ray ?” I ask him before he lands on my arm. He lands and nods his head.

" Are there more then ten ?” He croaks once.

“More than twenty ?” He croaks again.

“More than thirty ?” He shocks his head no.

“Ok, grab your weapons, and let’s get this show on the road.” Everyone starts gathering their things and we started moving towards the entrance of the docs when I remembered.

“Kill everyone but leave at least one or two guys alive, we’ll take them for questioning.” With that, we get a move on and start our mission.

The spies had it easier then Dwaine, me, Scott, Paul, Jeffrey, Wayne, and Larry since they had night vision glasses with thermal sensors they could see their targets better than us. I and the men were struggling a bit with seeing our targets, the night is too dark and the docs don’t have proper illumination, which can also work in our favor since the enemy won’t see us coming they won’t be able to fight back properly.

I’m a little rusty but still, all my targets are dead and the job is done. We captured two men who scream like little bitchs, my ears are starting to ache and everyone’s patience is running thin with them.

“It doesn’t matter if we die, the boat already left, The Hell Sinner’s are condemned to die !” Screamed one of the stupid bastards.

“RAY RAY !” I scream.

“CRA CRA !” In the distance, I heard him answer me back.

Let’s see if a raven can learn how to use a grenade. “Ray Ray, if you do me this big favor I’ll buy you a big mac, just for you. Ok ?” He starts jumping around excited and nodding his head while crowing loudly.

“So this is what you’re going to do.” I explained to him slowly how to set off the grenade and when and where to do it, after repeating the plan at least four times, to make sure he understood I let him go.

“You’re going to let a raven fly around Boston, at night with a FuCkInG GRENADE !?” Really ? We have a war at hands and they’re worried about my raven flying around Boston with a grenade. What kind of people are these ?!

“And you call yourselves mafiosos (mobsters)....” After that everyone started arguing and shouting with Dwaine but I ignore them. I turn my back on them and focus my attention on the horizon.

One day mother, you and Raul will be able to look down at me and you’ll be proud of me. One day, when you’ll look down, you will see me with our family, with dad, the twins, abuela (grandma), nonno (grandfather), my zii (uncles), and zie (aunts) and my cugini (cousins). And if everything goes as planned, then that day is very, very soon. The only way for my plan not to work is if I’m dead, but with my luck death won’t come for a long, long time....


The sky lights up, the waters get agitated, the sound of the explosion temporarily deafens me. In the distance, we can see the orange, yellows, and reds of the fire on the sea, Ray Ray did his job well and now I have to buy him a Big Mac. My ears start ringing and slowly my hearing comes back. The wind brings the smell of the fire’s smoke towards me, along with the smoke comes the faith sound of the people’s screams.

“Music for my ears.” I mutter. Soon the ones who wronged me and my family shall be screaming like this pained souls they sent in their place to do their dirty work. Mark my words, they will pay and they will suffer while doing so.

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