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It's been almost two weeks since I've been living with Joe, Omar and grandma Val. I've been doing some jobs here and there, legal and ilegal.

Yesterday I went with Omar and Joe on a job and found out more information on the heagdogs. I'm going to send it to Alan, therefore in, about two days he should receive the mensage. 

I also found out that the bank froze my accounts(the legal ones) so I've been having a lot of paperwork to take care of, my grandma has been helping me with it and they say that in 2 months or so everything should be back to normal- wich is total bullshit, If Valeria hadn't stop me I would have killed the bank manager- the little shit has been trying to stay with my money but I ruined his plan. So, in return, he's making the process take longer then it should. 

I swear, when I have free time I'm going to take care of that little shit ! He will never again try to take money that's not his.

Do you want to know the good news ?

The good news are..... that I have almost all of the money needed to send my mother and Raul to Italy. I have enought money to send them, but I stil can't afford the deliverys cost and the funeral, I don't care that my father is loaded, I'm still going to pay for it cause, ...........if it wasn't for me they would still be here.

" Sage, luch is ready !"

" I'm coming!"

- at the table -

We were all eating silently when I noticed that Valeria and Omar couldn't stop looking at me

" Che cosa ? (What) " I snaped at them

" Cosa stai nascondendo ?" Asks me Valeria with a serious face on and a glint of worry in her eyes

" Nienty " I answered nonchalantly

" Don't lie to me Sage Vina Desteny Sinner !" She punched the table and screamed

" Mother, you should calm down-" started Joe and Omar at the same time, just to be interrupted by Valeria again

" You don't tell me to calm down, I'm done with lies. Start talking Sage" she says "Now!" she hissed

" I'm not lyeing nonna Val, I'm simply keeping the truth to myself" I tell her

" And what truth are you keeping ?" asks me Omar while Joe keeps silent

" Wouldn't you d'like to know"

 I finish my lunch and get up, going straight to the front door

" Where do you think you're going  young lady ?" Valeria aks me in a serious tone

" Out" is all I answer. And I already know what I'm going to do.....

«««««««««««few hours later««««««««««

"Please, don't kill me! I'll do anything you want but please don't kill me" *sobs* and *cries*

"Please Gold Trigger don't kill me..."more sobs 

I give him one last punch in the nose and tell him "You better solve that girls problem or you'll be seeing me again."

I start walking away when I remenber something "Oh and, if you tell anyone about this, you're dead" To make sure that he got the mensage clear I shot the wall, right besides his head

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screams and passes out

-----------few more hours later-----------

It's alredy 10p.m. when I enter Valeria's house and find them all in living room waiting for me. The moment I walked in, everyone stand up.

" Don't you fucking start ! " I said, I don't really care about what they have to say right now, I'm not in the mood to listen to anyone.

Running as fast as I can, I stomp up the stairs and run inside my room, locking the door on my way in.

I heard them on the other side of my door, calling my name and trying to make me open up the door but I chose to ignore them.

All I could hear was noise and then.... Silence. Everything was silent.

" À aaaaaaaaa!!!!! " *Praz*

The door flew from it's hinges broken and Joe came running in followed by Valeria and Omar.

Not being able to contain my irritated temper to myself I exploded. " Filha da puta desta gente que não sabe respeitar os desejos simples de uma criatura. Tudo o que eu pedi a esta gente foi espaço, que me deixassem em paz ! Mas não, a pobre coitadinha da menina tem que se explicar por tudo e por nada. Arrrhhs!!!! "

(Motherfucker of these people who don't know how to respect a creature's simple desires. All I asked these people was for space, to leave me alone! But no, the poor little girl has explain herself for everything and for nothing.)

When I finished my rambling, the three of them were staring at me like I've grown a second head.

" Could you repeat that in english please ? " Asks me Valeria.

" No..." I murmur "You would get offended if I repeated it." I answered her.

Not looking back at them, I walk out of my room and and go to the attic.

Once in the attic, I climb up to a chair and exit through the only window here to the rooftop.


And this is it for today.
I hope you like it

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