Chapter 39

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Ring Ring...Ring Ring... RING RING!!!!!!!!!!

"WHAT! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING ME YOU IMBECILE!" Fucking worthless piece of shit must think I won't get rid of him if he gets found. I swear to all that's holy that if this call is not important and he blows up his cover just to give me some irrelevant piece of information that I'll be the one to kill him.

"Boss, the Sinner's daughter is alive."

"I knew it! I knew that little bitch was alive!" She did a good job staying hidden but it won't last long.

Soon... Very soon Sage Sinner you'll be mine. And this time, there won't be anyone stopping me.


"Where is she?!" That little bitch was the one who's been killing my men. She will regret it... Especially for that little stunt, she pulled during my last meeting. Poisoning my man and leaving me to deal with a bunch of fools panicking. She'll pay for it all...

"She's in Boston. Last I'd heard she was planning on leaving soon."

"Oh, but she won't be going anywhere. Anything else to report?"

"James Sinner and Francesco Morelli are still in the hospital. Both in critical condition, we could take this opportunity and start putting an end to the Sinner's lineage." Good thinking. At least the damned spy has some brains.

"Tell our members to kill them all while they're still vulnerable at the hospital."

"Yes, boss." I end the call and go back to my meal.

Those Sinner fuckers won't even see it coming!


Malcolm took us to a peaceful small restaurant, the cafe he was planning on taking us was closed, so the restaurant was the next best thing.

We were enjoying our meals when suddenly I faintly heard a voice saying 'Kill them all while they're still vulnerable at the hospital.' and that was all it took me to get paranoid. I stopped eating and made eye contact with Ferdinand and Malcolm. They saw my look and stopped eating as well.

"Get up calmly and let's get out of here. I need to get out of here quickly, one of you go pay and the other comes with me." They looked a bit alarmed at my command but still did as I told them. Ferdinand went to pay for our food and Malcolm accompanied me to the car.

We reached the car and got inside. Malcolm was going to ask me something, but I quickly took out my phone and concentrated on remembering which phone number I have memorized belongs to my father. After much thinking, I dialed the number and waited for the owner to pick up.

"Hello?" A gruff voice speaks, I've heard this voice before so I know that at least I called one of the Sinners, now if it's my father or not, that I'm not sure.

"Get your brothers out of the hospital right now! They're going to attack and they're planning on killing your brothers, if possible take your men out of there as well." I yell all of this in one breath. The sound of the car's door closing catches my attention and as soon as I see Ferdinand inside the car I order Malcolm to drive away.


"Done. Did you get in trouble again while getting this information for me!?" I can hear that he's angry, but I don't care. I promised mom to always help my family and that I would keep them safe, cost what it costs.

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