Chapter 40

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I drove non-stop until we reached my old neighborhood. The car's window is rolled down so everyone who saw me pass by knows who I am.

I drove in silence through the narrow streets, and once I saw my house's front door I drove faster. I roughly stopped the car, which woke up Ferdinand and Malcolm, and run towards my front door.

There was light coming from inside my house, immediately and instinctively I drew out my gun and silently opened the door. Ray Ray was the first one to greet me, his cawing could be heard from miles away. He landed on my outstretched arm and started rubbing his beak in my hair affectionately.

Ray Ray and my re-encounter didn't last long, a shadow of a man was soon blocking the light from hitting us. When I looked up I couldn't believe who I was seeing.

A tall, burly and fully tattoed dark-skinned man stood in front of me. His dark beard was trimmed to perfection and the wide grin on his face made me crack a smile of my own.

"RUFUS!" I jump on the man's open arms and hug him tightly for a few seconds.

Malcolm and Ferdinand walk in at that exact moment and watch us with wide eyes. The moment Rufus notices them, he pushes me behind his back and get's ready to fight.

"Who's this Sage?" Malcolm asks me while eyeing Rufus suspiciously, Malcolm backs him up and starts grabbing his combat knife from the military.

"If you're in trouble just say the word and we help you." Malcolm looks me in the eyes and waits for fear to cover my face.

"Who are those old dudes Sage?" Rufus asks me.

"Malcolm, Ferdinand this is Rufus, he is one of mom's and I's old friends. Rufus, that's Malcolm, my mom's godfather, and Ferdinand, my mom's ex-Sargent Major." The three men relax once they notice that none of them is a treat and I take this opportunity to interrogate Rufus.

"What are you doing in my house, Rufus?" He looks down at me and smiles a sad smile.

"Ya know how I went to France, kid?" I nod and Rufus continues talking.

"I came back two years ago and people told me what happened. I was a wreck when I found out and went back to France, back to the illegal fighting." Rufus stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. I know how much it pained him to tell me this because he knew that I know that he broke his promise. My mom had made him promise that he wouldn't go back to illegal fighting, instead, he was supposed to only fight in legal clubs, and he was doing a very good job on those. Last I had heard, he had already made a name for himself.

"A month ago I finally gathered my courage to come back, and when I did Petra told me about your sudden appearance a few months ago." He continued. "I came to visit your house and found it all dirty. I SWEAR that I didn't move a thing, I just cleaned the dust and fixed the broken things around here." Thank god for that, I would literally kill him if he moved my mom's things. But I know I can trust Rufus, he's a good guy, he would never touch or throw away mom's things. After all, who would want to destroy their best friend's last memories? Cause it sure as hell wouldn't be Rufus.

"I come here every week to clean, and today when I arrived at your house I found Ray Ray on the roof. It was obvious that you were either close by or on your way, so I stayed and made you food." Rufus finishes explaining and I smile. I used to love his french food!

"FOOD! Your food!? What the hell are we standing here for!? I want my favorite french food!" I literally run to the kitchen and sat down on the table, hitting the table with the fork and knife while I awaited for Rufus to serve me a plate.

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