Chapter 11

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Sicily, Italy in the Hell sinners current warehouse

The Sinner brothers, alongside with their oldest sons were in the bar at their warehouse drinking the betrayal away and celebrating the destruction of another one of the hedgehogs hideouts in Sicily when a member of the gang came with an envelope addressed to Alan.

"Alan, this is for you." the man handed him the envelope and left

"Who is it from uncle ?" asks him his nephew Shawn Sinner, John Sinners son aka Alan second oldest brother

I ignore his question and open the envelope. The papper was bare, without any ink in it, it's obvious from Sage. Nobody else would play pranks like that to the Hell Sinners gang so this paper must have more informations about the rats in the gang.

" It's blank !" esclaimed Shawn in desbelif

"Of course it is you idiot, weren't you here the day I came back from America and we had a meeting ?" I've been cranky since I come back, so what?! Sin and Diesel aren't the only ones allowed to be cranky's.

"No he wasn't, he was collecting debts around the island" Answers me John

" It's from Say Say,it must be more information." I inform them. Imediatly everyone gets up and moves to the meeting room were we have a liquid solution to revel Sage's secret mensages.

I give the paper to Vin and let him revel the mensage. Once the task is done he starts reading the letter out loud.

"The letter says 'Sin Sinner, you should check you're bank account more often--" reads Vin till he's interrupted

"Why the hell should he check his bank account !?"question exalted my brother James

" --and if you do, you are problably abil to see that you have a few milliones missing." At this, every head in the room turns and watches Sin's reaction. He takes his phone out and checkes his account.

"Humm.." Sin humes " She's right. There are about thirty five million dollors missing. " He says angry " How the hell did she found out about the stolen money before I did !?" Sin questions angry

"Keep reading." I tell Vin

" 'But don't worry old man, I took care of the banker who was doing it and you should have your money back soon. To Alan: Do not worry about me. I'm fine I'm currently staying at a familys friend house. Tell Cameron that I said hello and that I miss him.

Godbye, Say Say

P.S. - I found out were my familys bodys were buried, you don't need to keep loking.′ " Vin finished reading the letter and a whole mess of feelings was unleash

" Old man ! Old fucking man !? I'm not an old man. I'm only forty fucking five !?" Sin shouted at the edge of a rage fit

Vin and Diesel laughed at their fathers anger, Shauwn was confused, John, James,Jim and Jack were discussing things betwen themself and I was tryinng to process everything that just happened.

She's staying at a familys friend house ?

A family friend..... I hope for my sake that they are only family friends and not *cough* *cough* ...boyfriends nor anything like that....

" Hey !" Screams Shauwn to gain our attention "Who the hell is Say Say !?" he questions and so we tell him everything.


Three hours later we were about to leave the conference room when my phone vibrates. My brothers keep exiting the room and Jim stays behind waiting for me.

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