Chapter 25

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Diesel's POV

I was driving, I didn't know where I was going, something dark and dangerous was roaming around inside my mind, like it was blocked and it wanted to escape. I keep driving, My body felt like it was on autopilot.

When the car finally comes to a stop I'm in front of a cliff overlooking the sea.

The sea is calming and a bit of calmness is very much needed and appreciated right now.

I got out of the car and sat on it's hood, just looking at the sea.

This place.... I've seen this place before..... but where ?

Minutes turn into hours and the sound of the seagulls and the crashing waves have calmed me down completely, and I can finally ratiocinate properly.

Bingo !

I remember now.

I saw this place on my mothers photo album from when she was pregnant.

She came here with my father when she was seven months pregnant with my brother and I, they had a picnic here.

In the pictures they looked very happy.

I guess I came here subconscious because of that.

My mother liked this place, she smiled when she was here, and I think that's why I came here. To feel closer to my mom, I was a big mamma's boy, like my cousin Cameron, but then she was taken away and I turned into a mute boy, and then I turned into a monster.

I heard my phone ring, it was my father who was calling.

"What is it dad ?"

"Get your ass in the hospital right now !"

"What! Hospital ? What happened ? Who's in the hospital ?"

"Your brother." My father says and disconnects the call.

I quickly get inside the car, start the engine and drive as fast as I can to the hospital.

Sin's POV

I've called Diesel's phone four times, it doesn't even ring, it just says something about no signal.

I'm worried about him.

Ok Sin, let's try one more time and see what happens.

I dial his number again and wait to see if it rings.

Ring ri-

"Yes !" It's ringing !

-ng, ring ring

"What is it dad ?"

What is it dad ? What is it dad !? Here I was worried sick about him, and he answers me like that !?

"Get your ass in the hospital right now !" I snarl at him angry. Here I was worried sick about him because his phone didn't even ring and that is how he talks to me !

Aí Dalila mi amore (my love), how much I miss you. If you were here you would have had already handled Diesel's and Vin's ass, and they wouldn't be fighting together all the time.

"What! Hospital ? What happened ? Who's in the hospital ?" Ha! So now he is worried. And he should, I'm grounding his sorry ass when he gets here.

"Your brother." Is all I tell him and disconnect the call.

I get back inside and go to the waiting room. All my brothers are here, even Jim's boyfriend. The only ones missing are mio padre, mia madre e mio figlio. (my father, my mother and my son.)

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