Chapter 23

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Sicily's high school, 13 p.m.

Hazel's POV

It's been around 40 minutes since Isaack and I went to find Vin and told him what Diesel was doing. Normally they trow a few punches at one another and get back inside, usually they are already here at lunch, but today I have a bad feeling.

I know that Vin warned us to stay away and wait until he got back with his brother, but I can't help myself but worry.

What if something happened and that's why they are here yet ?

"Relax Haz, they're alright, you know how they are, and you saw how Diesel was. Today he had a lot of pent-up anger, they must still be outside fighting." Isaack tried to calm me down, but it wasn't working. He quickly noticed it and he changed the subject.

"Weren't you going to lunch with John ?" He asks me.

"Yeah, but since my afternoon teachers aren't going to teach class today, because of some weird meeting, he went to pick up my mom first. He is going to pick me up a bit later." I tell him.

"You lucky cow ! " He tells me while playfully punching my arm.

"I'm going to have to stay here for a few more hours while you get to be free from this hell hole! Take me with you !" He whins.

"Sorry, but I don't think Martina will be happy with you for skipping class."

"But-" My phone starts ringing and cuts him off

"Ciao fratello, or better, yet I'll be right back."

"Ciao sorella." I leave the canteen and start walking towards the schools parking lot.

Before I reach the door to step outside the schools building my phone starts ringing more frenetically and I decide to just pick it up.

"Hey papà, is everything alright ?"

"Jesus Christ Hazel, are you trying to give me a hearth attack ?"

"No papà, why what's wrong ?" I ask him worried.

"I got scared when you didn't pick up the phone. You know with the attack happening tomorrow I got worried that they had found you and you had been kidnapped."

"I'm sorry dad, I was going outside to pick up the phone, I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's okay bambina (baby), but unhappily I have bad news."

"What is it dad ? Are you ok ? Is mom ok ? And Shauwn, is he alright ?"

"Yes Hazel, we're all alright, the bad news is your mom's shift at the hospital isn't finish for a few more hours."

"Oh, that's ok. Are you on your way to pick me up ?"

"About that.... aaa.... I'm going to be late Haz."

"That's alright dad, but are you sure that everything is alright ?"

"Yes, my car just broke down here at the hospital. The mechanic is already on his way so you don't have to worry about me."

"Ok dad, see you soon ?"

"Yes Hazel, see you soon. I love sweetheart."

"I love you too dad." I hang up and sent a message to Isaack telling him what happened. We agreed to meet outside at the parking lot to hang out for a little bit more while he doesn't have to go to class yet.

I walk outside and close the doors behind me.

When I went outside a terrifying view was awaiting me.

Vin was laying on the floor unmoving and Diesel was on top of him delivering bows left and right.

Terrified I couldn't move, the sign of the twins in the middle of the road brought up flashbacks from my past. Abruptly Diesel got up and left, leaving Vin vulnerable in the road.

The sigh of Vin laying there left me scared and heartbroken, as quickly as I possibly could move I run towards him. As I got closer to him I couldn't believe the gruesome state in which Diesel left Vin.

Vin was laying in a small puddle of his own blood. His face was all black and blue, full of cuts oozing blood, his nose was definitely broken, his bottom lip was busted, and he has a cut on the right side of his forehead. His hair was dirtied with blood and his eyes, one locked worse than the other, I'm a hundred per cent sure that he won't be able to open his left eye, it's too swollen for him to be able to do it.

I feel on my knees near him and softly grab his head and put it in my lap for him to be more comfortable. Next I grab my phone and call an ambulance.

Out of the blue, while I was on the phone with the paramedics Isaack appeared by my side and I didn't notice him.

"Damn, is that Vin ? He looks more dead than alive. It's sick how Diesel could do this to his own brother." He states looking concerned. Not expecting him to be here I yelp scared and almost get a witsplash with how quickly I turned my head to face Isaack.

I finish my call with the paramedics after telling them where we are and after that, with my free hand I slap Isaack on his leg for scaring me.

All of sudden Vin starts groaning and trying to touch his face. Scared that he would hurt himself I grab his hand and don't let him move. Abruptly he opens his eyes and groans in pain closing them immediately. He tries to open his eyes again, but this time he does it slowly and, with squinted eyes he looks at our joined hands, and then he stares at me.

I, too, look at our hands and blush noticing that I'm still holding his hand.

Vin's POV

Waking up I start to feel and almost unbearable pain in face. Without meaning to I groan out loud and try to touch my face.

Something or better yet someone restrained my hand, the hand holding mine is warm and I quickly open my eyes to see who was touching me but regret doing it when a sharp pain hits me full force making me groan involuntary.

I try to open my eyes again but this time I do it slowly. I squint my eyes open and look at my hand. Seeing a feminine hand holding mine I look up and soon enough I'm not looking at a normal woman, oh no. I'm looking at an angel.

I openly stare at her and see her looking at our hands, she blushes and tries to pull away, but I don't let her. I hold her hand firmly and, with my other hand I stroke hers, caressing the palm of her hand softly afraid of hurting her.

I keep caressing her hand and look up at her face. She looks down at me and blushes a deep red color. My angel is so cute !

"Are you an angel or a demon ?" I ask her. She looks like an angel, but she could be a demon, ready to break my heart and drag me down with her to the pits of hell.

Suddenly I hear someone guffawing besides us. I turn my head to the side and see a guy too close to my angel for my liking.

A demon !

"Don't worry my angel, I'll protect you." I assure her as I bring her hand up to my lips to give her a kiss on her wrist.

"What do you mean ?" She questions me innocently.

I smile at her to distract her and reach for my gun.

"Die demon !" I order it as I shot at him.

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