4 - Alan's point of view

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Quick note : keep in mind that we're still in the past



I can't believe I got so atatched to a girl.                                                                                                                      Even worse I let Cameron get atatched to her as well. Wich is weird cause litlle Cam never trusts someone that fast. He usually would scare people away, not get atatched to them 

But Sage... Sage was diferent.                                                                                                                                           She wasn't like normal girls her age. 15 years old girls like makeup, shopping, paint their nails, do their hair but not Sage. Sage hates that things.                          But I can't really blame her you know ?                                             She was a girl who came from the hospital. Nobody knows her, nobody knows her  story and what she went trought. Something I can tell is she suffered a lot while growing up. She didn't have childwood.

For a 15 years old she is too cold, too emotionless, it was rare seeing Sage express anything that wasn't rage. Normally she was emthioneless and cold. She was only 'warm' you could say towards Cameron. 

She was- is very calculist and always looking over her shoulder. I too would be like her if I had as many scars as her. I bet she can even bit Sin in that. I think the people who inflicted the scars on her are still out there and that's why she is always looking over her sholder, that is what I think. She had lots of bullets scars all over her arms, legs and expecially her shoulder. She has, maybe 5 or more bullet marks on her shoulder. That aren't the only scars she has, ho no, she has stab scars, whip scars and what look like claws scars all over  her legs, back, rib cage, arms and belly. 

I'm truly  astoned, this dawn Sage was able to get out of the hotel  suite without me or the guards to notice. She got out of the hotel and hours later came to the airport and waved us goodbye right in the moment the plane was taking off. She was totally changed this morning, she cut and painted her hair, put limpstick  on and put black contacts on. I admit I would never recognise her if it wasn't for Cameron.


Hours have passed,  Demi has been moking me the whole flying cause " I'm crying like a baby over a teenager girl " along my son who feel asleep crying and wimpering .

We are almost in Italy, only twenty more minutes and we're there. I'm feeling bad. Like a.....a.............. like a pussy for crying. I feel broken, lost like I would feel if one of my brother's died.......                                                                                                            What will they say if they see me crying ?                                                I don't want them to call me weak...      

 I'm not weak !            

And it's not some little girl who is going to break me ! Like hell she will.

" Atention please buckle up cause we're about to land.  I repet buckle up cause we're about to land " The pillot informed us while the flight attendant came to make sure we buckle up and to help us if needed.

I woke up Cameron and buckled him.

The turbulence started. Cameron got scared, I don't blame him. I used to be the same way. I would grab Sin's arm and woudn't let it go until we landed again, even during sleep I wound't let go.

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