Chapter 24

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Vin's POV

"Die demon !" I order it as I shot at him. Unfortunately I missed the shot and the monster was able to run away from me.

The beast runned a few yards away and turned to look back at my angel and I.

My angel looked at me alarmed and asked the demon if he was ok.

I stop petting her hand and grab her shin making her look at me. "Don't talk to that monster my angel." I order her.

She looks at me like I'm crazy, and we hear the demon scream "He's crazy ! Hazel get away from him."

I narrow my eyes at him and start to struggle to get up. I hiss in pain as my ribs and torso in general hurt like a bitch.

My angel helps me get up and I point my gun towards the evil boy again.

"NO!" My angel tries to stop me but I had already shot.

Once again the bastard was able to hide himself behind a car and not get shot. "Fuck." I cussed.

"I'm going to shoot that thing even if it's the last thing I do." I proclaim, my angel opens her beautiful mouth to protest, but before she can the demon cuts her off.

"Hazel ! I'm going to call your father, John must be able to stop this maniac." The demon proclaims.

We see the thing take a phone out of his pockets and call someone, from where we stand, my angel and I are able to hear him say things like 'beating, maniac, crazy'. I don't know what he is talking about but... what's this on my face ?

I take my hand to my face and wipe the liquid dripping down from my forehead.

Blood is what I see on my hand, the world around me is spinning nonstop and I notice my angel is the one who has been helping me stay up on my feet.

Out of thin air a black car appears on the parking lot, the driver is driving like a maniac in our direction, I hug my angel more to my side and rise my hand to shoot the car.

"No !" She screams. "That's my dad."

The car comes to a sudden stop and a man, looking furious comes from inside it and starts shouting profanities at me.

This demon is the biggest demon I have ever seen, it's soul is as dark as the night, and he is threatening my angels safety.

"Not another step you big ass demon, or I'll shoot your brains out. I won't let you take my angel away from me." my words come out slurred and I start to sway more from side to side. My angel is having difficulties in keeping me upright, so I decided not to pain her anymore and let go of her waist.

I started falling, the floor coming faster and faster, my angel grabbed me, but she couldn't help me, she wasn't strong enough. But I don't blame her, I smile at her and fell hard. Everything hurts, but my angel fell with me.

That should not have happened ! At least she felt on my chest.

"Are you ok my angel ?" my words are almost inaudible and completely slurred, darkness tries to pull with her but I resist.

The two demons run towards us and look worried. Lights start flashing everywhere and more people start surrounding us.

They are speaking about something but I can't understand anything.

A stretcher is put besides me, someone tries to take my angel away but I hold her firmly to my chest.

"Don't touch my angel !" I command them.

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