Chapter 26

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Sin's POV

Yesterday after everyone saw Vin, mom insisted that she wanted to have dinner with all the family. I offered my house for the dinner to take place at and mom cocked dinner.

I decided to stay in the hospital with Vin and sent Diesel home to help his grandma. Diesel did as told and helped cook dinner.

My mother didn't want me to miss dinner, but she understood why I wasn't doing so, Shauwn decided to set a computer at the head of the table and video call me, that way I could still be with Vin and be present at the dinner. Needless to say my mother came to the hospital on purpose to leave me a box full of food, so I can eat with them during the video call.

The dinner went lovely, mom spoiled Cameron, and dad looked like a changed man, he even played with the kid. Cameron didn't complain and happily played with his grandfather.

Hazel hided herself from Diesel, and stayed by Shauwns and Isaacks all the time. Did I forget to mention that my mother invited Isaack and his mother for dinner ?

Anyway, Vin woke at six in the morning and I got him discharged and in bed at home by eight a.m.

Today is the attacks day and I still have to read the letters the girl send me. I hate following instructions, I'm not a follower, I'm a leader and following some little girls orders wounds my pride, but for my family I'll do anything. I'm not ready to lose anyone else. It's already bad enough that I lost Dalila and Francesco lost his wife Xana.


Let's see what that thing says.

'Bla bla bla boats, bla bla ships.... bla bla bla planes.' Alright, I got it, watch out for all that shit cause the Indians and the hedgehogs are coming thought that. I keep reading her letter and I notice that her plan is very good.

"Very good indeed." I mutter out loud.

"What is good ?" asks me Francesco.

"The girls plan, it's good, and she does have a point, all the possible heirs of the Hell Sinners need to be protected, no matter what. Cause if the Indians and the Hedgehogs kill me, or any of our brothers, then we'll need the next generation to start taking over, meaning Shauwn, Diesel, Vin, Zeke and Cameron."

"Hey, do you know who the house whose keys she sent you belong to ?" Francesco questions me.

"No I don't, I was hoping you could tell me that."

"All I know is that Zeke said something about the house belonging to her family friends, the family who she was staying with before she met us."He tells me.

"There is something weird about that girl, you know. I think I saw some kind of mark on her neck, but I can't be sure because she never exposed her neck for enough time for me to see what it was. Her features..... they also look awfully familiar." The neck remark caught my attention, and subconsciously I started rubbing the left side of my own neck.

"And she has a raven dude. Who the hell has a raven !?" He dramatized. "Do you know how long I tried to keep the bird away from her room when she was unconscious ? Hundreds ! And in the end, the little shit was her pet." He tells me about that incident in more detail and I can't help but laugh at him. I really needed that laugh.

After Francesco told me all about the girl and about what she did while she was staying with him and Zeke, I realized that if I want to learn more about her that I need to talk with my mother.

Francesco is getting a daily update from Dwaine to know all that happens with Nina or Say Say or what ever the hell her name is and I told him to keep me informed.

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