chapter 34

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Sage's POV

The Serpéntes.

The fucking Serpéntes. These fuckers had to choose now, of all the times to crawl out of their fucking holes.

The Serpéntes used to be a small gang in Sicily, they and the Hell Sinners used to have a territory agreement.

The Hell Sinners were already a big gang back in that time, and you might be asking, in what time? In my nonno's (grandfather's) time that is, back when Lorenzo was the leader of the Hell Sinners, the leader of the Serpéntes started getting jealous of our territory, power, clients, skills, guns, you name whatever my nonno had and that dude was jealous.

The Serpéntes started slowly worming their way inside our territory, they started by selling drugs on our turf, slowly starting to steal our clients away from us, and next thing my nonno knows the west side of his turf had been taken over by that scum.

Lorenzo and Rubel, blac ! Even the trough of his name brings the taste of bill to my mouth, anyway as I was saying, Lorenzo hated Rubel because he was always messing with the HS and Leane. From always flirting with her to trying to take her away by force, going as far as to drug my abuela just to get her to sleep with him, which thankfully Rubel didn't succeed.

When Lorenzo noticed the west side of his turf had been taken over by Rubel, he went there with a big team of some of his best men to take care of the problem. They reached their destination and nonno separated the men into two teams. One team was led by my abuela and the other team was led by my nonno, their plan was simple, kill all the Serpéntes members that were on our turf and sent their heads as a present to Rubel, the only thing they weren't counting with was the fact that my abuela's team had a mole.

Everything was going well when the time to leave came. Lorenzo and the men were waiting for Leane and her team to come back when an explosion occurred. My grandma's team had been all blow up only surviving two men. My abuela had been taken by the mole and Lorenzo.... Lorenzo was feed up with all of the Serpéntes bullshit and declared war. It took him two weeks to get my abuela back and once he did the Hell Sinners were unstoppable.

Five months after war had been declared the last fight occurred, Francesco's parents died in a fight just before that war. My nonno had gone to the docs to get more weaponry for the war when a fight broke out, the Serpéntes attacked them in there and while protecting my nonno, Francesco's parents lost their lives. In that same week the final war occurred and we, the Hell Sinners, won. Almost everyone from the Serpéntes died, but the few who survived were baned by my nonno from ever stepping foot in Sicily and Italy, including Rubel.

After being banned from Sicily, Rubel installed himself in Mexico and reconstructed his gang always with the intent on getting revenge on my nonno, and, to this very day, the old bastard is still the one commanding the Serpéntes.

And did I mention that Rubel is a big pervert and that he was also the one who helped Vinico kidnap my mother?

Hum, no? Well then, my bad, but now you know.

"Here's your phone Nina." Dwain screams while still running down the basements stairs.

"Thanks, do you have Sin's phone number ?" I ask him, if it wasn't absolutely required I wouldn't be asking for it, but in this case, I won't risk wasting time in calling Zeke for him to tell Diesel to call Sin. Dwain's eyes widen before he nods his head and takes out his phone, scrolling through it and looking for my father's phone number.

"It's here." Dwain informs me and shows me his phone's screen.

I copy the number to my phone and press the call button.

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