Chapter 22

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WARNING: This chapter is going to contain a lot of violence.

Sicily's high school, 12 p.m.

Lunch break

Diesel's POV

I can't take it.

Each day that passes is another day without my mother. One day closer to the sixteenth anniversary of her disappearance.

I hate this helpless feeling, knowing that she's somewhere out there and that I can't do anything to help her. If I at least knew where she was...

The longer she's gone, the worse I get. My rage is over the top. My anger issues don't stop growing, and this stupid school doesn't help with anything.

Everyone is provoking me on purpose, they want to see the Sinner lose it.

One day, my brother won't be here to protect'em, one day he won't be here to stop me from beating them, torturing them, killing them... I can't stop the smirk from making it's way into my face, killing...

Oh, how I miss killing a bastard or two...

Suddenly someone bumps into me and my chest is all wet and... stinky.

"Watch where you're going." A little 6 foot tall bastard snapped at me, looking back to smirk at his little group of friends who looked terrified. He bumped his shoulder into my pectoral while trying to walk away.

Tried being the key word. There's no way in hell he is getting away with this...

I grab his shoulder and smirk, a crazed look in my eyes. The kid's smirk falls and pure terror fills his eyes.

"From cookie to a pussie hã." I laugh at the boy whose face is looking whiter than a sheet of paper.

I'm finally going to satiate this thirst for blood without my brother interrupting me.

" You're going to be a great warm up for tomorrow." I tell him, my sadistic smile widening at his fear.

He tries to run away, I grab him by the neck and lift him up squelching his neck more little by little. The kid tries to claw at my hand but I pay him no mind.

Amusingly he gasps for air, a look of despair in his eyes. I laugh at his futile efforts to set himself free and laugh even more when I notice that he has pissed himself. His pants all wet alongside with the floor. Before he passes out I trow him against the lookers and let him catch his breath.

The moment his breath is more under control I advance slowly stalking towards him like a predator about to jump his prey.

He starts to get up on wobbly legs, holding onto the lockers for support while falling to notice me approaching him.

I stalk forward until I have him cornered against the lockers. I grab his shirt collar and before I even touch him he starts screaming bloody murderer.

Unknown to my peaceful self Hazel and Isaack have seen me and were on their way to go get my brother.

The boy screams and kicks his legs to try to get me to let go off him, to no avail. I don't let go, instead I punch him in the mouth and watch satisfied as his mouth starts bleeding.

"Scream again." I demand.

Instead of doing what I tell him, he starts sobbing and wailing.

"You're disobeying me. Tss tss tss, wrong move." I sneer at him.

My first meets his face 3 more times before he starts spitting blood and some tooths, wailing uncontrollably and stuttering the kid starts begging me to stop, which I don't.

I let go of his collar, and he immediately falls to the floor, giving me the perfect opportunity to kick his ribs.

Hurried and heavy footsteps are heard making their way towards me and knowing that it's my brother I ignore them and keep kicking the kids ribs, making sure that he gets the message.

No one messes with Diesel Sinner.

I leave the passed out boy on the floor and leave, making my way towards the schools front door. From there I go to the parking lot, and that's when my brother caught up with me.

"What the fuck did you do Diesel !" Vin hollers at me from a few yards away.

"Nothing that should concern you." I holler back.

I'm done with him. He's always getting on my business, I can never have some fun at school without him getting in my way, and in the end I end up fighting him.

That bastard is stubborn, he's going to rill me up to make me lose control and fight with him. It's true that afterwards I feel more relaxed, but some day something is going to go wrong, and then what ? Huh ? I don't want to hurt my brother, I hate when we go to far and the both of us end up in the hospital. But sometimes he pushes me too far.

And today is a bad day for him to try his luck.

"Where the hell are you going, huh ? " I ignore Vin and keep walking towards my car.

"What the hell were you thinking ? " He keeps following, not giving up on me.

"Stop ignoring me." He orders me. He grabs my shoulder and turns me around.

Big mistake brother.

The moment I'm facing him my fists immediately connects with his face. He stumbles back but keeps his composure.

"So this is how it's going to be huh ?" He says while smiling slightly at me.

"I told you to stay at home, I could feel you weren't okay today yet You decided to come. Why ?"

I start trowing calculated punches towards his torso and face, trying to liberate some of this pent-up anger on him. Vin ignores my lack of communication and keeps dodging punches while speaking with me.

"I don't know, Ok ! I don't know." I tell him. I stop punching him and sigh stressed.

" I trough I could keep my anger under control." I tell him.

"Then, what happened brother, and why is your shirt stained with juice ?"

"That kid, he pushed my buttons too much and I just snapped." I confide in him.

He signs as a response but accepts my explanation, he knows how I get by this time of the year. In less than two months Christmas is here and I hate it. My mother is no longer here, she loved Christmas and since she is gone I hate Christmas.

My chain of troughs is broken by my brother punching me in the face with strength enough to make me fall on the floor.

"Now we're even." He smirks.

I smirk back at him and tackle him to the floor. He fells on his back with me on top of him and I start to ruffle his hair, at this Vin starts pouting.

"Hey bro I didn't know you had gone soft on my now ?" He tells me while smirking at me with a pompous look on his face.

When my brain finally registers his words, something in me snaps at being called weak and next thing I know I'm pounding my brother's face and ribs.

In my state of mind I don't register my brother's struggle to protect himself and I end up hitting his head a few times. When I felt my hands going numb I got off Vin and left him almost passed out in the middle of the road.

In the distance I could make out Hazel's figure running towards us, knowing that my brother will be okay with her I quickly walk towards my car. Once inside the vehicle I turn it on and race away from the school's property, leaving my twin and cousin behind.

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