Chapter 42

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"Xana!?" The woman looked up at me, her bloodshot even yes were alarmed and frightened, she didn't move, she only sobbed harder and gripped her knees tighter and moved to the back of her cell.

"Aunt Xana..?" Diesel whispered, mouth open in disbelief.

"Calm down Xana, please. We're getting you out of here. Don't worry, I'll get Francesco darling, just hold on." I rambled these words over and over as I tried to get to her. Xana flinched away from me and that scared me. In a panic, I started yelling for Francesco.

"FRANCESCO!!!!!!! FRANCESCO COME HERE!! FRANCESCO!" Xana jumped at my harsh tone and whimpered loudly. Francesco didn't get here after I stopped yelling like I wanted and, in my desperate state I trough that, five seconds was all he needed to get here.

"Diesel go get your uncle." I ordered him, he nodded his head and run to do as I said. Looking back at Xana, the strong independent woman, a total badass looking so shattered, broken, and scared made me start crying again. Was this what Dalila had to endure while she was here. Was that little girl talking about them being hurt something like this?

"Oh Xana, here let me help you." I take my jacket off and move towards her to give her my jacket, but I instantly freeze when she flinched.

"Shh darling, it's just me. It's Sin. And I don't want to hurt you. I'm trying to help you. Here, take my jacket and cover yourself." This time, I moved much slower and Xana, even while still being afraid of me, let me approach her. She grabbed the jacket that I left beside her foot and quickly wrapped herself in it.

"XANA!" Francesco's voice boomed and echoed in the corridor, Xana jumped up in scared and curled herself even more in her corner.

Francesco came running towards me at full speed and pushed me out of the way. He dropped on his knees and hugged Xana. A small scream left her lips, her eyes widened and she started fighting off Francesco. He didn't mind her fight, he caressed her face softly and ignored her when she flinched from his hand.

Francesco started crying, Xana's eyes widened even more and silent tears rolled down her face.

"My love..." Francesco whispered. "You're here, you're alive... Zeke will be so happy to meet you my love, my life my light. Ti amo amore mio. (I love you, my love.)" Francesco gently grabbed Xana and lifted her up on his arms, he then got up and we started leaving the cells.

Xana was scared, she flinched and whimpered at every shadow, and Francesco, coed at her gentle words, and placed butterfly kisses on the crown of her head. He held her close to his chest as we left this hell hole. I couldn't help but be scared. Did Dalila suffer through the same things as Xana? But at the same time I was a bit jealous mean Francesco got to get out of here with his wife in his arms and what about me? I found out more terrible shit about this place. I discovered that there used to exist a tiny person who depended on me, it wasn't just Dalila who needed my help but also a child and I failed them both.

Hell if I hadn't abandoned this place and instead checked on it every year I could have saved them all.

When we stepped outside of the cell's wing, Xana's hold on Francesco's clothes tightened. Her knuckles turned white from how much strength she was using. Francesco cooed at her and kissed her forehead, they keep walking away but my father and Alan stopped me.

"Brother, you need to see this." Alan leads the way towards the door they choose and father pushed me to walk faster.

They opened the door and an office appeared before me.

"Here, you have to see this." Father pushed me towards the desk and started praying. He did he made the sign of the cross and murmured 'in the name of the father of the son and the holy spirit and may they deliver us from all evil of this nature.I looked at him weirdly and shrugged it off.

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