Chapter 14

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With that trought in mind I started running back to the club.

Unfortunaly the mans saw me " Hey !" they screamed for me. I need to run faster, faster I keep pushing my self in six minutes I'm already near the clubs exit when I see Francesco smoking outside with Zeke and their two friends.

"FRANCESCO ! ZEKE ! " I screamed running in their direction. My lungs are burning but I scream again

"FRANCESCO ! ZEKE ! " They heard me and quicly turn to me. The two hedgehogs members are getting closer to me, and the moment the four Hell Sinner mens see them, they quicly run the rest of the way over to me and form a barrier around me, that way the mans can't get to me.

"Cos'è successo Nina?" (What happened Nina ?) inquired me Francesco.

I can't breath.... my lungs burn......they're burning non stop. I can't seem to hold a breath in.... my chest hurts.

"Nina ? Cosa è successo Nina ?" (What happened Nina ? )

"Nina cosa c'è che non va!? " (Whats wrong !?)

Desesperated to breath I start coughing trying to clear my airways, it only hurts more and more.... soon darkness started to consume, light headed I was able to mumble "They're will atack in two days" and then I collapsed. Last thing I saw was Zeke coughing me before I hit the floor.....


" ...forced her lungs.... oxygen.... wake up."

Where am I ? Who forced her lungs ?

Starting to fell more awake I felt something on my face.

"Umnmm..... Whas this...." Damn I fell like shit, and my voice it sounds like I've been sceaming for hours Jesus, only me to get in shit like this.

Hearing voices get closer I open my eyes and sit up. Whatever this was on my face is gone cause I'm not keeping it on.

Sudently I remember. The hedgehogs, their plan... they saw me I runned and they followed me.

"Alan ! I need to call him." Zeke, Francesco and a man I don't know are in front of me in a flash

"Nina ! " Zeke hugs me. I'm not used to this, for me it's awkward for him I don't know, but both him and his father seam relivied to see me up.

"How do you feel miss Nina ? " I ignore the man and turn in Zeke's arms to look at Francesco.

"I need a phone. "

"Kid you should lie down and rest a few more hours. " He tried to coax me into going back to bed

" Ho bisogno di un fottuto telefono in questo momento !" (I need a fucking phone right now !)

"Calma Nina..." (Calm Nina...) Zeke murmurs while petting my hair

*tock* *tock*, *tock* *tock* *tock*

This noise caugh my attention, I turn to look at where the sound came from and found a window. And Ray Ray was knocking on it

" Fucking bird keeps coming back even after I treated to shoot him " hissed Francesco trough gritted thoots

I push away Zeke's arms and walk over to the window controling myself not to shoot Francesco

"You don't need to worry Nina, I can take care of him." Francesco tries to assure me

"No need" I tell him mad

When I reach the window I open it and extend my arm to Ray Ray.

" Hey my sweat baby, you ok ? Did you take care of my car ?" I talk to him and pet his feathers.

"Are you KIDING ME !!! I've been the whole night keeping that raven away and now he's her freaking pet. Who the hell has a raven as a pet !? " Francesco explodes in a fit of rage

" Nina you better let the doctor do his job and let him examine you, I'm going down stairs to question the prisioners. Zeke keep an eye on her."

" Yes sir" saluted Zeke

Francesco left, leaving me in the room alone with Zeke, Ray Ray and the doctor.

" Miss Nina, if you don't mind I need to examine you." The doctor said politely. Zeke come to my side and guided me back over to the bed. He made me sit down and the doctor aproched me.

There was a mirror facing me, and only now did I notice that my cornucopias scarf, my jacket and my shoes are gone, leaving in my black T-shirt and yoga pants. "Where the hell are my clothes !?"

"Don't worry about that now Nina."

I'm. Going. To. Punch. Him. 🤬

I let the doctor examine me and the moment he was out of the rooms door.......... I asked for a phone.

"Zeke I need a phone."

"Why do you keep insisting on a phone ? Do you need to call your family ?"

"I need to call someone !" I scream on his face, he looks at me hurt, like he is about to cry, he unloks his phone and hands it over to me. Zeke walks slowly towards the door and opens it, walking out he trows one last glance at me before closing the door and leaving me alone with Ray Ray.

"Thank you" I scream to make sure he heard me.

I take a look at the phone and find the app to make calls, without even thinking I dial a number and wait for someone to pick up.

One ring - nothing happens

Two rings - I'm impatient

Three rings - did I dial the wrong number ?

Fourth ring and I'm losing hope

Finally at the fifth ring someone picks up

"Hello ?"

" I need to talk to Alan."

"Sorry girl but he ain't here." The man informs me

"Then pass me to one of his brother's or nephews."

"Hi, Shauwn Sinner at your service miss Say Say, tell me what you need I'll gladly help you."

"... " I... I've been talking to one of my cousins this whole time !?


I've officially and indirectely meet my older cousin 😯😶

" Say Say ??"

"Yes I'm still here."

"So... What is this matter that gives me the honor of officially meeting my uncles informer ?" He asks in what I can only decipher as happiness in his voice

"Get your people ready, the Hedgehogs and the Indians will atack in two days, their plan has changed." I tell him coldly

"Do you happen to know what their new plan is ?" He asks me, all happiness gone and replaced by seriusiness, he is in alert now.

"Their plan is to distrack you at the docks, they're going to attack your mansion, and kill your mother, aunt and cousin. They intend on distracting you all with the death at the mansion and kill you, first you and the heirs and after killing all the potential heirs they will go after your father and uncles." I tell him everything in more detail and give him a few ideias to form a new plan.

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