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" Does V stand for Victory.... or Vampire? "

Warning: Taekook fluff (skip if you feel uncomfortable ⚠️⚠️⚠️)

Published on 25 December 2020....

Jimin spent next day fully thinking about Yuna or Yura according to Jimin.... A small smile always made on his face.... But still

"You are angry at the world..."

Yuna's voice ran in his mind....

How did she find out about this??

No matter how much curious he was about it.... He didn't wanted to ask her cause he was afraid he had to explain why he thinks like that....

Currently he was in studio finished teaching the choreography to the trainees as he noticed them practicing in one corner.... As he sat on the other.... Just then his eyes fell on the Familiar black haired making Jimin slowly leave the practice room as he went to him...

The person already saw him and flashed a smile... " Hey!! " He said making Jimin flash his own showing his perfect crescents... " Hi!!" So working on the next music for the band??" He asked making Yoongi nod...

" Yeah, they asked me to make few changes in this song and I have to so and check out the recording of the idol..." Yoongi explained it was a part of Yoongi's and Jimin's daily life...

They always shared their schedule and work process with eachother.... Or maybe it was an excuse to talk to eachother....

Jimin started to walk next to Yoongi now... "Now where are you going??" Jimin asked making Yoongi speak...

"I have a meeting with other producers they are doing this project for a reality show.... So yeah" he said making Jimin nod...

"What about you??" The male questioned back making the grey haired speak.... "Nothing as usual training the trainees and have to check on the choreography of the idols and help them..." He said making Yoongi flash a smile to him...

"Okay I gotta go now..." Yoongi said as he reached the end of the meeting room... Ready to enter... Making Jimin stop his tracks humming for the older to go and do his work...

Jimin was waiting for the older to disappear into the door so he can leave but the older stopped his track before entering the room and turned and saw Jimin...

"Jimin if you are free... Let us have a lunch together later??" He asked making Jimin practically jump and squeak on spot but he held it together.. and flashed a grin...

"Sure !!" He said making Yoongi smile and go inside the room while the male danced and walked back to the practice room all giggly...

Finally?!! A lunch!!!


Jungkook was so tired.... Mentally and Physically... Due to that one single video the full office has created a havoc.... And he didn't sleep for more than 24 hours...

Thankfully he drove home without sleeping on the way.... He was hungry but more than that he was sleepy.... It was morning that his office allowed him to go home after working whole night....

He immediately drove to home and walked to his room on the way where he threw his tie and opened the first few buttons on his shirt.... But as soon as he opened the door and shut it with a sigh to fall on the bed and sleep.... Thankfully the blinds were already closed so the sunlight can't disturb him....

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