•°Twenty four°•

208 16 0

Published on 23 January 2021

Jungkook sighed at the warm water on his skin.... He carefully removed the sheet of his tattoo as he showered.... He was flexible enough so he could easily wrap it back....

He planed to meet Jimin today so he when he woke up it was already afternoon so he hurriedly went for a shower....

Soon he came out pulling his pants on and removing the cover off his tattoo as he no longer needed it and pulling the hoodie over his head just when Taehyung entered the room....

Thankfully Jungkook was facing front and casually put the shirt on.... Sighing internally....

Taehyung stood in front of Jungkook putting a towel on him rubbing on his wet hair.... Jungkook giggled earning a smile from Taehyung....

" Where are you going??" Taehyung asked softly as Jungkook turned to take Taehyung's hoodie since he doesn't have his clothes yet there he started to use the older's.... Thankfully Taehyung's and his were the same size... Or because Taehyung likes to wear oversized clothes it fit Jungkook well....

"Have to meet my cousin.... It has been a long time..." Jungkook said grabbing the towel from Taehyung and rubbing his hair...

Taehyung took the opportunity to go to his closet bringing a hair dryer plugging it in and passed it to the younger....

" I will be back..." Jungkook said after he placed the dryer down.... Taehyung smiled pulling the zipper of his hoodie up as he cupped his cheek and peck his lips.... "Call me if you need anything" he said earning a nod from Jungkook... Just when Jungkook's phone rang...

"Oh shit I am late.... " Jungkook said grabbing his phone and wallet running down to the stairs to Taehyung's office.... "Yuna... I need your bike.." Jungkook said grabbing the keys on the way as Yuna yelled back "Careful with it..."

While Ten was shocked on other hand... "You. Gave. him. Your. Motorbike??" He asked making Yuna hum...

"What the fuck!! You didn't even give me once and I am your fucking bestfriend... " Ten yelled kneeling on the couch...

"Because last time I gave you my bike you burned it.... " Yuna rolled her eyes.... while Ten was turning green with jealousy....

After the hangout Yuna and Jungkook started to hang out too... And also it was a way for Jungkook to avoid Taehyung from seeing his tattoo...

He didn't know why but he was a but afraid that Taehyung wouldn't like it.... Especially when Yuna said he removed all the tattoos on his skin before...


"Hey.." Jungkook said making Jimin wave from the cafe.... Jungkook showed his bunny smiled walking over to his cousin as both shared a hug and sat opposite to each other... "Sorry I lost track of time.... " Jungkook said making Jimin chuckle..

"Don't worry I wasn't alone..." Jimin making the younger frown... "What-" before Jungkook could speak a man jumped on the seat next to Jungkook making the younger flinch...

"Forgot me stupid.." the read haired smacked back as he glared at the male... "Hobi hyung!!" Jungkook wailed rubbing the spot...

"This kid seriously" Hoseok mumbled... "There is not a call from you for past 3 weeks is it?? And you didn't even come to office... You know how worried sick I was..." Hoseok scoffed crossing his arms..

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