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" Does V stand for Victory.... or Vampire? "

Published on 18 December 2020...

"Tae!!" The girl said as she walked inside the room.... " Here got more packets!!" She said as she tossed the bags of blood to the taller male....

"Stole from where this time??" He asked as he stored them in the fridge.... " Busan Hospital..." She replied as she sat on the couch....

" So had fun??" He asked as he sat next to her making the girl lean on his shoulder....

" Yep... " She replied and sighed..." Didn't go to your boyfriend's " he question for which the girl rolled her eyes.... " He kicked me out.... damn why does he have to work hard.... It is annoying sometimes..... No matter how proud I am of him..." she complained to which Taehyung chuckled.... " He might overwork look after him.." Taehyung said for which Yuna hummed...

" Tae is it possible to have feelings for someone else while being in a relationship?? " She questioned making the male frown at her... " Are you cheating??" he asked for which he received a smack... " What!! No!!"

" Just.... Someone caught my eyes for past few days now..." She mumbled which the male didn't pay attention to as he was concentrating on the book in front of him....

" Anyways what happen to those humans I sucked weeks ago.... I didn't know what happen cause I didn't get a chance to meet you..... ??" She asked looking at her brother eagerly...

" Guess they understood we are back... Four attacks in past three weeks they would have got a clue by now " He said making Yuna squeak in joy... "Oh god... Can't wait to hunt freely without that smarty ass behind me..." She complained...

" I sent him instead of me.... " Taehyung replied.. making Yuna snort... "At least you didn't break an electric pole... " She said making Taehyung laugh...

"He broke an electric pole??" He asked making Yuna smile... " Can't you come with me??... I wanna go with you at least you are fun to hang out..." Yuna said as she gave a bored expression...

Taehyung hummed and walked to his seat working on the desk making the younger huff in anger.... She immediately ran and jumped on the desk breaking it into two halves.... (Vampires are too strong and can run fast)

The older sighed... " It has been more than a month since we hung out Tae..." She complained making Taehyung look at her pouty face and her eyes turning red...

"Sure... Only once... I have work to do..." He said making the older girl giggle and throw herself on him for a hug and she kissed his cheek and walked out after saying... "This Sunday.... Night Club"

Taehyung shook his head....

This girl and her obsession with Clubbing....

He said in his mind as he looked at the mess in front of him... And then the box...He bend down to take it as he opened and saw a broken pendant in it....

"You are gonna pay for it...." He said as he clutched it....


The music is blasting as usual at the night club and the young man was already being impatient.... In his five years of career he never felt so stressed like now..... Five bodies in almost a month.....

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