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Published on 14 January 2021.... (This photo is hot NGL 😳😳)

Jungkook woke up with his side empty as he noticed new set of clothes again at the corner of the bed... Hissing at the sunlight hitting his eyes... Jungkook sleepily got up and went for a quick shower and then walked to Taehyung's office where he heard...

Yuna and Ten's voice quarrelling.... With Taehyung yelling in background to stop them.... " Yuna, Ten didn't steal the money I gave to Rose to give to safe houses... " Taehyung said as Ten wailed next... " I said you!!? You midget!!" Ten said back making Yuna growl at him a little...

"Yeah I would have believed you if you didn't do it before You Dickhead!!" Yuna said back with a glare... "STOP IT YOU TWO!! YUNA GO TO YOUR BOYFRIEND OR SOMETHING !!! TEN GO AND CHECK ON THE MEMBERS WITH ROSE!! FUCK CAN'T YOU GUYS STOP YELLING AT EACHOTHER FOR A WHILE!!!" Taehyung yelled shutting the two best friend up as Yuna only rolled her eyes as she noticed Jungkook's presence now... "Fine..." Ten said walking away past Jungkook giving a smile to acknowledge him as Yuna glared at him....

Jungkook can't deny Yuna wasn't scary but he also knew she is like that because he hurt Taehyung before.... And frankly he can't blame that... If anyone did to Jihyo or Jimin , Jungkook would have been angry too...

"I am going to meet a friend... Yoongi is coming evening though.... " Yuna said walking to Taehyung giving a peck on his cheek as she left by the window....

"Your sister hates me for sure..." Jungkook said with a shrug walking to Taehyung table...

"You both didn't have great first impressions... So it will take time.... Once she grows close you will like her too..." Taehyung said pulling a bag out from the locker and counting the money in it....

Jungkook only hummed glancing around the office as he noticed the simple office with a bar counter one corner and a coffee machine another corner....Four doors in total... One leading to the stairs up his room.... Second a washroom Third being the exit door of the office and fourth which Jungkook didn't know yet...

" What are you doing??" Jungkook asked looking at the book shelf behind Taehyung.... Noticing many novels and books.... Old to knew and of different languages....

" Have to divide money for the safe houses... So working on it.... Did you eat??" Taehyung asked turning back to look at Jungkook who shrugged... "I am not hungry yet.... " Jungkook replied just when the door opened to reveal Jaehyun... " Taehyung... Yeonjun isn't able  manage to control his urge.....  But he said he can heard many things and smell many things including Jungkook.... It is hurting him..." Jaehyun said with panic making Taehyung stand up...

" I will call Yuna she can handle that... His senses are amplified... It will take time to adjust..." Taehyung said closing his eyes to concentrate on the link to speak to Yuna....

" What if he does something to her... They didn't start of good... " Jaehyun questioned making Taehyung look at him... "This is Yuna Jaehyun.... Looks like you forgot who she is ?? Plus she is good at handling them since she knows them verywell... " Taehyung said with a smirk making Jaehyun roll his eyes...

" Maybe if she didn't act like a killing machine I would..." Jaehyun replied with a snort...

" I heard you Fucktard" Jungkook's eyes snapped to Yuna on the window who glared at Jaehyun...

How the fuck she came !!! Taehyung didn't even call her.... 

Jungkook thought , Jaehyun only walked away exiting the room not wanting to fight with Yuna... Yuna's eyes fell on Taehyung... " I will do it Don't worry... " Yuna replied walking to exit...

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