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" Does V stand for Victory.... or Vampire? "

Published on 24 December 2020....

Yuna's definition of fun is really worth it

Never in life Jimin thought he could have so much fun..... Yuna definitely knew how to have fun..... when she on top speed in an highway, Yuna even made Jimin steal from a store as they both had ice cream midnight, also maybe they would have drawn graffiti at random places and ran away when cops caught them....

And Jimin felt like he was on drug..... So high..... And adrenaline is pumping more than ever......

Yuna did definitely show Jimin new experience..... Which Jimin could only read in books and see in movies.....

And it was best......

Currently both ran away from cops and came to an end of a lake..... Catching their breaths but more like Yuna was acting....

Being a Vampire for 500 years wasn't something to joke about..... She knew to blend in a little too well....

Suddenly Yuna sat on the grass her elbows behind resting... As she gazed up.... Jimin followed her actions and sat beside him.... As he relaxed his breathing.....Jimin gazed at Yuna.... Her now electric blue highlights which were just to her chest level and piercings on her eyebrow and lips.... She was indeed beautiful....

She had round eyes and thin lips... And not to forget her black orbs... Unlike the dress she wore first time she had wore black shorts and grey crop top.... With boots....Jimin maybe gazed a little too long because Yuna noticed it and turned to face him.... Giving a smile to not make things awkward....

"What happened??" She gently asked making Jimin turn away to look at the sky with a shy smile.... "Just the blue highlights suits you" he said making Yuna think a bit and chuckle softly...

"Thank you I guess.... " She replied as their surrounding was too calm and soothing between the two acquaintances......

Due to a usual habit of Jimin he dug his hands into his pockets as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes as he took one to light it.... But saw Yuna raising her eyebrows at him... Making him stop....

"Guess you didn't think I would smoke..." He said with a sheepish smile.... "No.... I didn't think anything..... Appearances are deceptive and also I don't judge a character too quick....." She said and giving her hand towards him.... "Care to share" she said making Jimin giggle as he gave her and both smoked.....

"Do you do this often?? " Jimin asked out of blue moon..... It took a while for Yuna to register what he meant and then spoke. "You can say" Yuna replied.... Yuna liked trills due to which she got into a lot of trouble from Taehyung but eventually she grew out of it.... But still does things like this just to not forget how it feels....

"Why??" Yuna asked puffing a smoke..... She didn't know why she dragged the male into it..... But she sensed that Jimin was breaking apart within..... Contrast to what he shows outside.... With her Vampire abilities she knew it.... That is something Yuna cared about cause she went through similar experience.... Though it was centuries ago..... She still knew the dark times..... That is why she wanted to let Jimin out of the dark....

Jimin gave a satisfied sigh as he fell back on the ground.... " I don't know I feel..... What do you say??? Euphoric??" He said gazing at the starry sky with his sparkling eyes....

" It has been a long time since I felt like this I almost forgot how it feels...." Jimin said making Yuna mimic his actions and falling back on ground.....

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