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" Does V stand for Victory.... or Vampire? "

Published on 1 January 2021....

Jungkook was at the peak of frustration.....

27 attacks!!!!

In three fucking weeks!!!

And he had the Chief scolding him for almost every day.... and Jungkook spent most of his time in office....

Felix started to bring Jungkook dinner and sat with him to eat cause he wanted to make sure Jungkook eats... Cause he has seen before how much deep Jungkook gets involved he forgets to take care of himself.....

Felix also started to help Jungkook during his break and also applied to join Jungkook's team next month..... Since his training was once again cut short....

Jungkook spoke to all the victims and all said they couldn't recognise any face as they were all covered and we're attack from behind.... all were out of danger and only lost blood which could be replaced back in two weeks... Most of them even went back home....

Not only that but there were reports of blood stolen in large quantity now.... And it only added weigh in his shoulders....For now Jungkook also had to control Media and it wasn't a easy task... He transferred few of his team mates to other missions cause he was afraid they would leak anything....

Time bring there were only rumours going on around.... Since Jungkook was also removing all proofs of the attack and keeping the original ones only in his office....Since Jungkook didn't go home again because he spent time in his office most of the time... He didn't meet Taehyung either....

And let's not forget to say that when Jungkook woke up that day.... He cursed so much and had a mental breakdown because again he couldn't find anything from him....

He spend one day full blaming himself for letting his temptation take over him....And cursing so many things in his mind...

Why the fuck do I have to feel like this towards a Vampire!!!!

He yelled into his mind for hundred times.... Yet he knew that blaming after the events are not going to help him if any sort.... So he instead went back to his work....

And Taehyung on other hand didn't visit him after that incident.... For a second he thought that he scared the male away but...


Next day they reported another five attacks.... Well Taehyung had to make sure everything is in order from his office and no one are tempted to kill someone or even turn any human into a Vampire for fun...

Oh believe him it is possible....

Vampires can choose to feel things or not.... And Taehyung always trainned his members to feel to not only avoid a havoc.... But also for themselves....

As cruel as it sounds.... Taehyung knew he had a big role it is and not an easy job.... He had to make sure to expand his kind and also train them to this level....

Not only that he spend more than a centuries discovering on Vampires himself and also on their abilities and weekness along with Yuna....

The Duo even experimented on themselves so they can find way for their survival and powers.... They did come across few of the dangerous and dark things about Vampires too....

But their goal was to bring the treaty back not over rule them...Though it is in the hard way

So they didn't battle their eye on that and concentrated on themselves...

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