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Warning: Taekook fluff ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ (skip if you are uncomfortable) And also there are two warnings 😅

Published on 5 January 2021....


"Are you sure you can insert into him without a problem??" Hoseok asked as he placed the suitcase on the table... Jungkook hummed as he walked to the case as the older Opened it with his ID card showing many guns which could insert the chip...

Jungkook took one of it in his hands as he examined.. " Is this your only option??" Hoseok asked making Jungkook reply... "Yeah, I have to do something before they find a way to make this meeting..."

Hoseok sighed as he placed back the suitcase... " Are you inserting it on Taehyung??" He asked making Jungkook nod... Hoseok groaned making the younger raise his eyebrows at him...

"What happen??" He asked sternly making Hoseok turn to him crossing his arms as he spoke..

"Don't think I am supporting Vampires completely... But I don't think so Taehyung is going to kill anyone or his Vampires are going to..." He said...

Jungkook frowned... " There are now 40 attacks hyung??" Jungkook said as Hoseok shook his head...

" I know... But if they wanted to kill Humans and take over the world they wouldn't have asked you to make a meeting with the higher officials , unless they want an agreement.... " He continued making the younger scoff... "Yeah an agreement to make every human's blood as their food..." He said...

Hoseok rolled his eyes... "That's their nature..." He mumbled Jungkook stood up now... " Yeah which can end Human race..." He said back..

"Aren't you blinded by your Family's hatred towards Vampires.... " Hoseok said raising his eyebrows at Jungkook...

"If he wanted to kill any one of the Human he can do it in a snap of a finger but he didn't.... Instead he asked you to do arrange a meeting... And let me remind you he didn't kill those Humans, they took their blood a little not kill.... They didn't even need any stitches... " Hoseok said making Jungkook yell....

" How can you be sure they aren't going to harm any further!!!" Jungkook yelled, snapping at the older...

" I am not sure Jungkook... I am saying you to find out the reason for the meeting..." Hosoek said calmly contrast to the younger's rage...

"Yeah as if he is saying to me..." Jungkook crossed his hands... " He isn't saying you cause you aren't trusting him..." Hoseok said...

"How can I trust him if I don't know the reason for his plans!!!" Jungkook yelled again....

" Whatever his plan is... It isn't something which can bring harm to Human kind... " Hoseok deadpanned... Jungkook snorted... for which the older continued...

"Cause if it was, he could have killed you or taken your blood without your consent for his urge towards you.... But instead he is being calm and letting you attack him while he didn't even make a drop of blood shead from your body...." Hoseok said shaking his head as he removed his lab coat and placed it in his hanger...

" What made you think this??" Jungkook asked as the older turn and spoke... "Cause even Vampires were Human's once upon a time..." He said as he exited the room...

Jungkook frowned....

No matter how convincing your words were Hyung.... I can't trust and risk it later... I have got to do what I can....

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