°•Twenty One•°

222 16 0

Published on 16 January 2021

"Bun wake up....." The deep horase voice of the Vampire woke Jungkook up... " What happen??" Jungkook asked with sleepy eyes....

" Come on I will show you something today... " Taehyung said pulling Jungkook to sit properly... Jungkook rubbed his eyes grabbing the shirt Taehyung was holding as he realised he was shirtless....

Taehyung wore his own walking to his closet pulling a bag and gave Jungkook one too... " It is cold outside...." Jungkook said as Taehyung was wearing his shoes passing one to Jungkook...

" We are doing physical activities so you will sweat eventually... " Taehyung said grabbing Jungkook's hands dragging the still sleepy man to his office where Taehyung spotted Yuna and Yoongi...

" I am going for hunt" Taehyung said in mind link.... Yuna frowned at Jungkook behind him who scanned his eyes around and fell on Yoongi... "Yoongi?" He asked eyes widen...

He is a celebrity.... What the fuck is he doing here???

Jungkook thought, Yoongi smiled at Jungkook softly... "Y-You...." Jungkook shuttered... Taehyung smiled... " He is Yuna's boyfriend... " Taehyung whispered to Jungkook

The fuck!!!

Jimin has been crushing on a taken man for seven fucking years!!!

Jungkook was processing it..... not knowing what he should speak for that Yoongi only patted his shoulder...

Yuna stood up and walked towards Jungkook facing him narrowing her eyes at him before speaking... " Hurt my brother in any way.... This time I won't only choke you...." She said with a menacing tone...

Taehyung spoke next... "Yuna I can take care of myself.... Don't worry..." He said making Yuna look at him... " Whatever... " She said and then spoke in their link... " Be careful and don't get drowned in your fun... Contact me immediately if anything happen..." She said...

" I will " Taehyung replied both siblings sharing an eye contact before Taehyung dragged Jungkook out...

"Yoongi is a Vampire??" Jungkook asked on the way letting Taehyung drag him... "Half Vampire...." Taehyung replied looking down careful with steps...

"What?" Jungkook asked shocked... "He is mostly the last one on earth.... He has abilities both of human and Vampires... But not all... He don't need blood to survive so he can live the idol life...." Taehyung said... "Carefull where you keep your leg there can be traps or snakes..." he said helping Jungkook down a steep now.... and then Taehyung started to explore about half Vampire abilities....

After few minutes Jungkook was gasping for air... " Still how long is it??" Jungkook asked making Taehyung look behind at him... "A lot more..."

Jungkook groaned "No I am not coming.... I am fine here.... " Jungkook said sitting on a near by rock hands resting on his knees....

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook as he walked infront of him turning his back and kneeling down.... "There is a easier way.... If you hold on to me tight we can reach there in minutes.... " He said pushing the bag to his front and motioning Jungkook to climb on his back....

Jungkook looked puzzled.... "You will be safe don't worry.... " Taehyung said with a smile making Jungkook stand hesitantly hugging the male around his shoulder and his torso locking his fingers on the older's chest....

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