
232 15 0

Published on 8 January 2021...



The blonde immediately heard the firing and sprung out of his chair running to the CCTV camera and immediately cursed when he found the similar ravenette in one of the clip...

He immediately slid down the stairs yelling his members to take a cover as he informed Vernon on the way to save them Rose immediately sprung in action to knock out the humans on other hand along with Jaehyun...

Haruto and Sunghoon also immediately got in action of driving the Vampires into safe zone in middle of the firing... Irene immediately went to check outside the building and yelled to Taehyung "We have been surrounded!!"

Taehyung could here Ten's chaotic laughter at one end which he assumed to have snapped few necks there....

Taehyung grunted lowly as he immediately sprung in action to knock the men and also save his members....

Cursing the Familiar doe eyed with his rage....

"How in hell did he find out!!" Taehyung glare immediately walking through the chaos to the Familiar raven haired and glaredat him who equally glared bacck....

Face to face....

Jungkook this time didn't waste to aim at the centre of his chest and shoot which his Taehyung directly.... But somehow managed to be missed just a little....

Taehyung snapped as he immediately got in action of holding Jungkook but Jungkook used the stake efficiently to kill the blonde but Taehyung was sharp to avoid all major parts as he jumped on him...

Jungkook immediately pulled his walkie talkie... "Team B attack!!" He yelled into it... But he didn't receive any response making him repeat "Felix!!" again and again...

But instead he received a laugh...

Taehyung eyes widen and soon smirked...

"Well Jeon your friend is in my hands... Unless you don't abort your mission... I might just add a little pressure below my feet and I cut his air in a snap..." Jungkook eyes widen...



"Oh and also let me tell, the bombs have been destroyed by me so you mission is a failure..." Yuna voiced darkened as Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was smirking but nevertheless pulled Jungkook by his colar....

"Well Bun... Looks like you got in wrong hands... You better ask your men to leave the place as soon as possible before we can kill them too..." With that said Jungkook immediately aborted the mission and all his men retrieved back into the van...

"Ask them to leave now..." Taehyung gritted Jungkook glared but nevertheless he agreed cause he couldn't risk Felix life...

He could here Felix's grunts on other hand... He new immediately he was being strangled.... "Do it Jungkook or I can kill your friend here..." Yuna voice came out and without any further ado he  asked them to leave....

Soon after which Taehyung face went blank and the choas subsided into silence...

Jungkook was yanked by Taehyung to his office and pushed him against the couch with weapons thrown to other side... and Yuna immediately came into the office through window shoting a glare at Jungkook as she noticed Taehyung's body staked thankfully not his heart...

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