
381 15 4

Published on May 2021

( yu,su and ji solve ten and tae with yu moment jk frustration over a month hinting about wt r they and jae asking tae to meet)

It was mess. An utter mess for the trio. Yuna didn't know what to expect,She knew she can't cry now especially when it is her fault to begin with. The guilt. It was only making her feel so horrible about herself than she ever felt.

That was the reason she confessed Yoongi about what happen, she expected for the worse too maybe the overthinker she is, she thought about all worst scenarios before all the mess.

Yoongi didn't take it well he didn't lash but instead left the place with mixed emotions... All he ever wanted to return back to home and hold his girlfriend as both spent some time cuddle on the couch at his home. But of course he didn't expect her to kiss other guy by the time. And that too the guy was Jimin.

He just wanted to be left alone to think about the news. There was no point of blaming, there is no turning back anyways so raising his voice or yelling is only going to turn worse but for Yuna she thought it was better for the older to yell and blame at her but the silence he held was eating her flesh within.

Currently all three were sitting in Yoongi's studio. She didn't know what to expect she only sad in one corner gulping heavily trying to not breakdown.  She saw Jimin sitting on other corner too while Yoongi was sitting on the desk.

It was Yoongi's idea for all three to meet.

Jimin also confessed Yoongi saying he was sorry and it wasn't Yuna's fault alone. No one blamed him. He didn't know the other two were in a relationship either way. He didn't know what to do and just agreed to what Yoongi asked for a meet.

He just hoped things don't take worse and agree for whatever the other ask for despite he will be hurt especially when he knew he had feelings for both.

In a way Yuna and Jimin both were ready to accept what Yoongi was about to say. But what made them nervous wad how calm Yoongi looked sure it has been a week since he knew what happen  he didn't contact anyone leaving him to think everything. He sat on his chair as he looked at both.

"So...." He started both gulping as he continued. "Jimin I think by now you know what I am.." he said seeing Jimin give a subtle nod. "Half vampire..." He mumbled as Yoongi hummed.

"So you know that Half vampires have different abilities than a vampire?" He said. "And one of them is I can sense emotions. Unlike few vampire who can sense strong emotions and thoughts . I can sense of Vampires and of Humans as well but more precisely like thoughts." He explained.

Jimin wasn't sure where this conversation was going but nevertheless didn't interfere letting the older speak.

"And I always knew you had eyes on me Jimin." At this the younger didn't know what he to do he gulped not daring to see at the older while on other hand it caught Yuna by surprise.

"And I am guessing you developed a crush on Yuna on the way..." He said waiting for Jimin to respond who only managed to give a nod.

"While on other hand. Yuna you do love me. It didn't fade for sure. You were caught in the moment for sure. But if you didn't feel anything towards Jimin you wouldn't do it." Yoongi said seeing Yuna nod she had to accept it.

She knew it was true. She knew that she developed something for the male even while being in love Yoongi.

"But it lies within me now right?" Yoongi voice hinted nervousness despite holding his blank stern face till now.

After Jimin and Yuna gave a nod Yoongi didn't waste time to walk towards Jimin grabbing the younger and smashing his lips against the younger who was shocked but nevertheless closed his eyes when he left Yoongi suck his lips.

Yuna was shocked but she didn't feel anything else than amused. Not jealous and angry but infact calm and perfectly okay with it.

When Yoongi pulled back he stopped for few seconds eyes flickering yellow Indicating he is using his powers.

A sigh leaving his lips as he walked to the girl and smash his lips against hers kissing her softly and delicately like he always used to but this felt more like a kiss filled with relief.

When he pulled back. All three were quite waiting for someone to do something completely awestruck by the older's actions.

"I hope you got what I meant. Let's not rush things and take a break and work on it." He said.

"Yuna I know you don't use this power much but do it now so you can sense my thoughts too. I hope you got it by now." He said and Yuna only numbly nodded .

That was when she got what Yoongi meant. He liked Jimin too but pushed it aside for so long.

And now that she felt something towards Jimin too Yoongi confronted what he felt after thinking much about it.

"It is up to you guys if this is what you want. Let's start over and three now." Yoongi said.


"So you think that Vampires won't start their attacks if they wanted to?" The raven haired yelled eyes wide.

He was frustrated. It has been more than two weeks and it is getting on his nerves.

"Do you think Vampire wouldn't have attacked Humans by now creating all havoc if they wanted than making this deal, if that is what they wanted!!

They could easily wipe us out! Unlike in past they are more stronger and older so they can take over us why create this deal. Also you know there is a chance they will attack if you don't agree to it.

If they want they could have killed the people why just bute and leave? It was to grab the attention of us! To let us know they existed and they played it safe. As much as we don't trust them, they don't trust us.

Chief I know what you are scared of. But we don't have a choice either way we are in danger. And attacking them is a havoc when they have all things needed to create an Army of Vampires.

Plus we don't know how many of them already exist! We are on thin strings!

We have a deal Sir! A meeting! With the President. This is a serious situation. There is no way out."

Jungkook finished looking at the higher officer who with hooded eyes saw the file Jungkook had.

"They promised to not even lay a finger on any Human as long as you agreed for it. "

He added seeing the male finally giving in taking the file. "I have to think about it Jeon." With that he exited while dropped on the chair.

"Well some progress!" He heard the deep voice next to him to see Felix standing there.

"Don't even mention. I am drained." He said as he managed to stand and walk to his office. Where he grabbed all the file scattered around as he started to arrange them.

"Oh who is this?" Felix asked pointing to the sketch of Taehyung Jungkook had. That's when the older flushed. Remembering how few months ago he hated the blond from the core of his heart, but now with the same core of his heart he developed feelings for him.

"I am guessing he is the one?" Felix asked as Jungkook hummed in question. "The vampire. You grew close to?' he asked. Sure after Jungkook returned to his work he shared a few things with the younger

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