°•Twenty five•°

208 14 1

Published on 27 January 2021

Jungkook was staring at the blond for a while now..... He didn't know why but the past few days he started to observe Taehyung more in detail.....

Like how he bites his lips sometimes and frowns when concentrating..... Even the way he rotate pen in his hand to his shaking legs.... All the small habits....

Yet he didn't know why.... But he was happy to have found something new about him everytime.... Like even how Taehyung always kisses Jungkook at the corner of his eyes or his neck....

But the older wasn't dumb either to not notice the younger's gaze at him for the past few minutes.... He rather found it cute....

Taehyung chuckled as he saw Jungkook gazing at him again.... He put the papers in his hands aside as he walked to the male on the couch.... He leaned down wrapping his arms around the younger's waist as he leaned future to kiss his neck... Jungkook didn't stop him as he only pulled Taehyung closer.... Letting hin place soft kisses...

Just then Jungkook eyes fell on the dorr he never went to.... Slowly he pulled away as he spoke "What is in there??" He asked softly... Taehyung saw where he was pointing and smiled pulling Jungkook from the couch as he took keys from his drawer opening the door....

That's when Jungkook really realised what it was....

An Art Gallery....

More like Taehyung's Art Gallery....

There were so many painting varrying in size.....

Jungkook gasped as Taehyung switched on the lights for a better look....

The room was too huge... That went Jungkook realised no wonder there was only Taehyung's office in this floor.... The rest was his Art Gallery on the Third floor and The fourth floor being his and Yuna's room along with a Terris garden in between and down two floors for the council members and the ground for the dinning and blood along with practice rooms....

Jungkook looked around mesmerized by the colours and painting around....

Taehyung gave a shy chuckle to the younger.... Growing a but embarrassed about how Jungkook was gazing at the paintings....

" These are amazing and many..." Jungkook mumbled gazing at all the painting around the wall amd on the stands in between.... Taehyung chuckled as he spoke.... "Each painting describes a person who I met from my point of view... With the number of years I have lived.... They are a lot..." Taehyung said but Jungkook walked further deep into the room as he came across a very big painting.... To be exact there was only one so big but there was a huge gap between those three and the rest of the paintings....

One bigger than the others....

Taehyung noticed Jungkook's curiosity at those paintings and spoke " That's my parents...."

Jungkook gazed .... It was a painting mixed with a deer in between and a dragon around it with orchids around along with a bit of smokey texture....

Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was softly smiling at the painting....

His Parents.....

Jungkook didn't even think about Taehyung's family until now except Yuna of course.....

Jungkook hesitantly mumbled " Were they Vampires too??"

" Yeah they turned into Vampire soon after I was born..... They needed to keep the bloodline so..." Taehyung said crossing his arms with a lazy sad smile...

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