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Published on 4 January 2021

"Hyung!" Felix said pointing the rear mirror making Jungkook look there too..

Jungkook noticed the girl in a similar black hoodie like last time...

Ohkkay that is her no doubt.

Her face was covered by her hood as she kneeled and spoke to the kid from earlier smiling and cheering along with her as she gave her which Jungkook assumed as sweets.

"Should we go now?" Felix whispered making Jungkook sign a No...

Both waiting and observed Yuna, they saw her speeking to the male and taking keys from him and pecking the kid's cheek as she took the car. Both the male ducked down as Yuna drove past them.

After few seconds Jungkook started to follow her keeping a safe distance. After few minutes they reached an abandoned building. Jungkook frowned but quietly parked the car for away as he and Felix walked inside searching for the Familiar girl.

Jungkook realised it a gambling place, liquor, smoke , drug everything was there ... 

Damn from outisde it looks like a horror building from movies and inside? This?.

Felix and Jungkook both carefully walked throught the car and soon spotted the girl. She was wearing the familiar mask from that day as Jungkook noticed quietly he observed the girl from the corner of the crowd with Felix.

She was playing poker clearly, her confident smirk and gleam as she bet a bag of money as well as her opponent. Soon the game begin and the Male placed his cards on front.

The man had a face like "Got you this time?" While the girl just tilted her head to the side and gave a innocent as well as smirking smile and she placed hers.

Royal Flush huh?

The male was shocked while people next to her cheered (guys I srsly don't know poker so don't attack me)

The girl giggle with evilness as the game started and soon the girl earned a lot. Jungkook and Felix on other hand were beyond impressed.

But then the crowd started to clear and both male went scattered among them to avoid suspicious and also keeping an eye on the girl who was speaking and smoking with other people there as they left the building. But just in a blink of an eye they lost her.

Felix and Jungkook panicked searching for other and walked into the building again.

" Where the fuck is she!!" Jungkook said to Felix panicking as their eyes roamed to search for her. As the crowd left the place completely now so the building doesn't look suspicious...

"She was right in the crowd?" Felix said as he and Jungkook both got into the building which was empty. "Ohkkay Felix look for inside while I go out.. inform em when you see her... " Jungkook said giving him weapons just in case

" I am afraid you don't need to do that Jeon " a voice said making both the male snap at Yuna who was casually walking from a room to front of them maintaining a ten feet distance.

" It has been a long time since someone followed me that I even couldn't find out when you both did.... Well I am impressed you atleast did than running away.. " she chuckled as she threw the cigarette from her hand to ground.

Jungkook and Felix both pointed the gun at her. Yuna raised her eyebrows at them

Ohkkay if I ask the girl questions she would clearly not ask her. But what if I take her with me and ask Taehyung for the reason in return. In order to do that weeken her.... First weeken her make her use all the blood in her system.

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