
258 15 1

Published on 7 January 2021

It took few minutes for the trio to understand what was going on... Yuna said to Yoongi that Jimin and her hand been hanging out for a while as they met in club after which it wasn't shocking for him, and let's say he knew Yuna goes around by the name Yura plus since he also knew Jimin and Yuna goes to his club more then often so it was bound for them to meet at one point or at least recognise eachother....

And Yuna on other hand had to process that Jimin had been a choreographer in her boyfriends company all along and she didn't even know it but then she can't complain cause she barely visited Yoongi at his company.. But either way she grasped the situation very well...

Though the couple didn't expose them being in a relationship and said they were friends well cause Yoongi is an idol and Producer.

And Jimin on other had was shocked cause both his crush had been friends all along...He felt heat rush to his cheek that moment and somehow without shuttering he managed to speak to Yoongi, All he wanted was to greet Yoongi as he heard he returned from his tour... But it was literally unexpected for him to meet them both...

After the confusion was settled between them Jimin was exiting for the day cause his work was over while Yoongi had to leave for a meeting so Jimin excused himself to leave and asked Yuna also to join him....

While Yuna on other hand made an excuse of using washroom while asking Jimin to wait outside..

She used a window to come inside she can't go out like a normal human now so after Jimin left she quickly kissed Yoongi a bye as she exited and joined Jimin outside the building both going to a ice cream parlor as they spoke about random things which included a bit of Jimin's personal life while Yuna just nodded and listen to it cause she can't literally say her live story which is more than 500 years old...

Though she can lie she would rather be quiet than lying cause it doesn't end well either....


Taehyung immediately went to his room and running to Yuna's as he barged open but found it empty soon he grabbed used their link to contact her but Yuna kept dening at the other end...

Furstrated he called but the girl cut him again and again... He tried tracking but he couldn't...

Without further delay he immediately left to Yoongi's apartment and as he guess he saw Yuna sitting on sofa...

"What the fuck you did Yuna!!" Taehyung yelled stomping making the girl jump while Yoongi run from his room standing protectively between the siblings...

"Okay Tae... I can explain it wasn't my fault..." Yuna shuttered feeling his rage from the link...

" It has been three days since you went to gambling and you didn't even say to me... What happen to 'No secrets between us' ??" Taehyung said as he launched forward but Yoongi held him..

" Hey back off dude!!" Yoongi said stopping the male but Taehyung used his powers again to drain her blood making the girl grunt...

Yoongi noticed it and immediately shoved Taehyung aside landing a punch on his face...

"She is your sister !!! Taehyung!!" Yoongi yelled clutching his collar but Taehyung winced a bit and spoke... "I am not angry about her using compelling cause I know she would have done it on purpose!! But you hid from me Yuna!!" Taehyung yelled while Yuna only whinced her legs giving up as she hit the ground...

Yoongi let go of Taehyung and ran to his girlfriend.. "Taehyung you are hurting her!!" Yoongi yelled making Taehyung snap shock at his actions....

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