
285 17 3

Published on 2 January 2021....

Yuna was in room baking a cake. She placed the cake in the oven and decided to take a round to check on the newbie just when she reached there her eyes fell on how Vernon and the newbie were fighting, more like newbie was screaming and banging the door to be opened but when Vernon held him back from breaking it , it lead into a fight.

Ten immediately went in to pull them apart while Irene was pushing the crowd away. And Rose sat on one corner smirking at the scene. But when the newbie punched Ten, Yuna snapped and went in the fight he pulled the male away and slammed him against the door.

" Stop it you fuckhead!!" She yelled making the newbie glare at her coming forward to push the girl too. But Yuna jumped on his shoulder from behind after teleporting and sent him to ground at she sat on his back.

" Don't you fucking try to come at me, I can rip you to shread without even trying" she gritted well she wasn't lying she has done to many rougue Vampires in past who couldn't control their thirst.

"Let me go! " The male yelled making Yuna chuckle and speak " I would gladly when you learn to control that fangs of yours" she said pushing him to ground as he hit his head and walked away but soon her back made in contact with the ground with the newbie on top of him.

Both glaring and now Yuna officially snapped she pushed the male her eyes red as she punch him across sending flying to wall where he hit and fell down.

"You are asking for it!" She snickered taking steps towards him as she pushed him on ground butthis time twisting his arm back.


Yuna smirked, her adrenaline was kicking in now making him turn and punch once again. While Ten tried to stop her but all Yuna could see was red.

She pushed him away who collided with his boyfriend as Yuna pulled the newbie on his feet. Her hand going on his chest her fingers tips pressing on his skin as the blood dripped down.

"YUNA! NO!" Ten yelled but Yuna psychotic mind wasn't able to hear it until she was pushed aside hitting the wall with Jaehyun clutching her hand.

"Leave me you dickhead!!" Yuna gritted but Jaehyun only glared at her until.....


Yuna groaned by now she was used to the pain of bone breaking.

Fuck!! Tae knows now.

Yuna glared back at the male infront of her. " Come to your sense Yuna!!" He said with a dark tone.

Yuna glared back the male ignoring the pain of her broken arm as he glared back at Jaehyun. Maybe once upon a time she would have atleast calmed down with Jaehyun's voice because he was Taehyung's boyfriend... But not anymore it only fuelled her brain...

Well that is a wrong move cause Yuna snapped once again.......


Taehyung immediately reached to the entrance of the building and went to the room where he heard the fight as soon as he witnessed the scene his eyes turned red.

Jaehyun and Yuna both were all bloody. Vernon and Irene were hurt by holding the newbie back who was blinded to join the fight between duo while Ten tried to stop them."WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?" 

Rose smirked at one corner enjoying the full drama while Joshua and Ryujin ran to prepare enough blood for them to recover. Yuna and Jaehyun both head's snapped at him. Making Jaehyun back away but Yuna only jump on him and throw a punch.

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