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Published on 13 January 2021

Okay maybe Vampires aren't that bad....

Jungkook's mind did think this a lot after he got that book though it has been only a night...... From what he witnessed around.... He did think that Taehyung goal was to only bring the pact back....

The book though it was written in old Korean it took a while for Jungkook to translate them but it was worth it....

He did think they weren't bad but he doesn't trust it.... Was only the pact their aim or did they have any hidden motives.....

From the moment he got the book Jungkook spent time on Taehyung's bed read it and seriously it did contain about Vampire abilities and he found out they can walk under sun because of the rings they were in their hand and Jungkook also noticed Taehyung wore many bracelets and rings before so it did make sense....

And also how their senses are sharp like hearing and smell... So it makes sense with how Taehyung found out Jungkook's presence outside the office earlier....

He would be lying if he said the book wasn't interesting.... He read it enough for him to grow tired and sleep on the bed there itself while waiting for Taehyng to return for him to ask many questions....

After which Taehyung came in... He had been so busy controlling and compelling all the members of Crime department due to Jungkook's mission.... He hacked their system and removed everything in evidence to the mission.... Not the attacks Though....

Taehyung sighed as he saw Jungkook sleeping on the bed... He stepped closer to the bed his scent hitting Taehyung...

Taehyung gave out a shaky breath his body relaxing a bit as he walked towards the bed, his eyes falling on Jungkook face... He big doe eyes closed and his lips slightly open erupting soft snores once in a while

His chubby cheeks pressed to the pillow... He looked peaceful in Taehyung eyes making his lips curve into a soft smile.... His eyes fell on the book his Jungkook's hands his hand automatically reaching as he put it aside and crawled into the bed...

Taehyung faced Jungkook admiring his features.... And small details like the mole under his eyes and lips... And also the scar on his cheek.... The older's hands went to cupped his cheek making the younger shudder from the coldness of his hands.... "Cold..." Jungkook mumbled frowning his eyes closed still...

Taehyung's other hand went to cup other side of Jungkook's face making him scoff far and whine another "Cold " but that didn't stop Taehyung to wrap his arms around his waist and pulling him cold pressing their bodies together.

Jungkook's eyes snap open looking at Taehyung and frowning... trying to scoot away from the male "Ahh!! Cold!!!!" But Taehyung grip only tightened slightly growling at Jungkook struggling to get away from his arms... Which only made him to pull him hard and snuggle into the younger's chest....

Jungkook yelled at the coldness of Taehyung's body "You are cold!?" Jungkook complained with a pout making the older push himself a bit up pressing his lips against Jungkook's exposed collar bones.... " Few minutes it will go away.... Sleep" Taehyung's deep voice came out laced with tiredness making Jungkook huff...

" Now I am wide awake because of you!!" He said turning and facing up showing the clear view of star filled sky making Taehyung hum and face up to their arm touching as both gazed up... "Maybe that was my aim..." Taehyung mumbled making Jungkook roll his eyes....

" Why is that so?" Jungkook asked crossing his legs and arms while Taehyung bend his knee and his hands behind his head.... "Cause I didn't have a proper conversation with you since you stepped here... I was busy but still you are a guest here... And also we need to talk a lot..." Taehyung said the last phrase turning to Jungkook who also hummed..

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