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"Does V stand for Victory......Or Vampire?"

Published on 1 February 2021

When the big doe eyed opened to start the day, he gaze fell on the blond who was laying next to him. That's when the incident of past night came into view a tint of red flushed his cheeks.

"Time you woke up. I thought you passed out for a day." Taehyung said , his hands ruffling Jungkook's hair moving it from covering his eyes in the process.

"I still feel tired " Jungkook mumbled pulling the sheets above his head and realising he his still naked but either way he curled into a ball.

"It's time you wake up Bun. You need to shower too. " Taehyung said pulling the sheets away as Jungkook groaned as he sat up huffing. Taehyung chuckled at the pouting face as he walked towards him. Pulling him softly into his arms as he carried him like a baby for a shower.

Jungkook started sulking but nevertheless he let Taehyung carry him because damn was he sore still. Taehyung placed him inside the bathtub switching on warm water adding bubbles as he placed a set of his clothes of Jungkook to wear as he exited to shower in the washroom in his office.

Jungkook sighed at the warm water touching his skin that's when he noticed the hand prints on his thighs and ass and also how his chest and collar was decorated with marks and let's not forget about his tattoo.

Jungkook started to sink in water, thinking about what happen.

So now they had sex will the tension ease?

Jungkook mumbled as he shut his eyes relaxing in the hot water and scent of bubbles around him.


"Yuna called us to come to garden looks like she baked cakes." Taehyung said putting on a shirt Jungkook hummed as he was guided by Taehyung to the garden.

If you wanna know how exactly the floor looks it's like a common stairs leading to garden with right side being Taehyung's home and left being Yuna's though he basically never went inside her home being warned by Ten saying she hates to let people inside her.

Jungkook saw Yuna setting the table with fruits while Ten was bringing the cake with Yoongi following behind with plates and forks.

"Ten if you drop it I am snapping your head " Yuna yelled as Ten carefully walked towards the table u til Vernon offered to help as both placed it on the table.

Taehyung sat on the wooden bench patting his side for Jungkook to sit. Carefully the younger sat making sure it doesn't hurt his ass but before he could Taehyung pulled him on his lap.

"It will hurt." Taehyung mumbled taking a plate for himself as Yuna grabbed the knife to cut the cake with Ten squeaking beside.

"Ten there's short on Human blood!!!" Everyone's head snapped at Jaehyun who walked to the table whose eyes didn't fail to notice the marks on Jungkook and Taehyung but kept a rather 'I don't mind' posture.

"I will steal them along with Rose" Ten replied making Jaehyun hum and look at Taehyung as he spoke " The safe houses are in need of money."

Taehyung only hummed with a straight face which even surprised Jungkook as he observed how the marks around Taehyung's neck vanished.

Sure he knew Vampires can heal but.... Why did he do it when Jaehyun spotted them? Jungkook wondered noticing Yuna grinning which is rare especially when Jaehyun and Yuna are breathing same air.

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